Warrior Insider

The Inside Source for Hawaii Men's Basketball

More from new signee Sammis Reyes


On the night of May 23, Sammis Reyes graduated from North Broward Preparatory School in Coconut Creek, Fla. He took a few minutes earlier in the day to answer some questions from WarriorInsider.

WI: How’s everything going with school?

Reyes: Graduation is tonight, actually. I passed all my classes and graduated, so I’m excited for what’s next.

WI: What was the deciding factor for you in choosing Hawai’i?

Reyes: I really like the staff there and all the people are nice. It’s a great place. They have a great environment. And minutes. I see a lot of minutes there and a real chance to play as a freshman.

WI: Where do you see yourself getting those minutes?

Reyes: You never know until you get there and see how you fit with the team, but I think I can play a little bit of 3 and I can play a little bit of 4, so that gives me more of an opportunity.

WI: Did you know anybody on the Hawai’i team or staff prior to this?

Reyes: I didn’t really know anybody. I just met the guys on my visit and everybody was cool.

WI: What did your parents think about this decision?

Reyes: They think it’s a little too far, but they support me all the way. That’s the important thing. As long as I have their support, I’m fine.

WI: What are your plans for the next few weeks before you get to Hawai’i?

Reyes: I plan to come out there in July, so I’ll be working out every day – in the weight room, in the gym, put up shots. I want to be ready for the season. Get faster and stronger. Work on my guard moves and my big moves. Everything.

WI: Did the NCAA investigation factor into your decision at all?

Reyes: I talked to people about it, and they said it wasn’t a big deal. The coaches explained it to me and I was satisfied with that. Hopefully it’s not a big deal.

WI: Did any other schools try to get you to sign in the last few days of the signing period?

Reyes: Oh yeah. I was getting a lot of calls up until the last minute. Everyone was trying to tell me to come to their school. A whole bunch of schools.


  1. Thanks Again, Sammis! Mahalo

    Are You O.K. with people calling you, Sammie?
    i see people gravitating to that…

    Congratulations on Your (May 23!) Graduation!
    AND On To Bigger and Better Things

    I agree 3/4 minutes should be Available for the Taking…
    Coaches may have already told you…
    What Some of us Fans think we see:
    WHEN you get your Opportunities, Game Time…
    TOUGH “D” seems to let guys stay in the Game Longer
    i think thatʻs something you could/should be able to Excel with…
    Consistent Tough, Physical, Hard-Nosed ʻDʻ
    MINIMIZE Turnovers (Of Course)
    Make Them Plays, Finish those shots…

    ENJOY Hawaiʻi…
    IT IS A Paradise…

    NO Pressure
    Canʻt Hardly Wait ʻTil Youʻre Ready to be An Impact Player
    On Your Schedule
    Sooner the Better…

    Mahalo, Again, Dayton…
    Schmidts, Coaches…

  2. I definitely think Sammis would get a lot of minutes early with Jankovic not being eligible till December. I think Hawaii goes small with NWC at the 3 and Sammis at the 4 with Fotu being the center. It’ll either be Sammis getting a bulk of the minutes or Mike Thomas depending on how much he’s developed and improved.

  3. “And minutes. I see a lot of minutes there and a real chance to play as a freshman.”

    I agree with Lee he should start at the power forward position until Jankovic is eligible. if not he’s the first off the bench to give the PF relief.

  4. Agree with Lee & pimp hand strong. IMO I think your unselfish and strong play (displayed on your hi-lite videos) will blend in perfectly with the type of players Coach Gib has recruited over the past few years. Just keep working hard on your game – especially on D and rebounding, and your PT minutes will come. I can’t wait to see Quincy, Nevels, Bobbitt, & Webster-Chan passing to either you or Fotu to finish plays in low block! Love your power dunks!

    Mahalo to your parents for supporting your decision to join the UH MBB Ohana (family)! They will be able to watch your playing progress and interviews on WARRIOR INSIDER. The Big West Conference games are shown live on BIG WEST TV, and the Diamond Head Classic will be on national TV.

  5. Sammis:

    Mahalo(Thankyou!) for becoming a Rainbow Warrior!. Love your attitude. Also appreciate Dayton, the honest, upfront question about NCAA investigation, and did it factor into his decision. It was explained, he accepted it, as really big deal, …we all hope ends up well, and made decision with support of his family to come.
    Eagle, I still say, this might have been Gib’s most important signing so far of his tenure here, a really significant signing late, and a relief to MBB fans!!

    Sammis look forward to your game, and playing as a true freshman, as you know DI ball is a whole level above HS, you work on your overall skills, getting better each day, most importantly whether 18 or 28 minutes a game, you will help the Rainbow Warriors to win!

    Thank you Sammis!

  6. Sorry Sammis, Dayton and WI fans, edit to my comment above:

    Also appreciate Dayton, the honest, upfront question about NCAA investigation, and did it factor into his decision. HE talked to people about it(smart young man!), listened to coaches explain it, and said SHOULD NOT BE A BIG DEAL, or still hoping it will not be.
    Love how he went about it, HE DID inquire, it wasn’t just blindly coming to Hawaii, he loves the State, we love him his game, and heart!
    We all hope best, for UH MBB and their finishing up business with ncaa too…
    Thank you Dayton for wonderful report..

    Gib and coaches, and UH MBB athletes, and advisors to Sammis , very transparent, and explained it to Sammis, very, very grateful you all did. Sammis made a good choice, and we want the best to turn out for UH MBB, I belive, HC and staff, it will turn out alright..

  7. And Dayton, YOU DA MAN again, real time , up to date interview with Sammis by interview over phone…you beat out those other media type!
    True Warrior Basketball supporter and information supreme.

    Thankyou to Schmidt Ohana. We ALL STAND AND FIGHT!
    Sammis got it Right…help UH MBB TO BWC crowns and NCAA tourney bids in next few years, hopefully!

    Love the team, setting up for next season!
    Eagle, Lee, Pimp, we have a great young man joining the program!

    Go Rainbow Warriors!

  8. Better hope there aren’t any sanctions!

  9. There May Be…Again…

    Hopefully Much Fewer, Less Severe and Less Punishing…

    And Maybe This Coach & Staff Will Survive, Persevere and Outlast the Darkness…
    He Even Met With and Strategized with the Earlier Sanctioned HC…

    This Too, Shall Pass
    AND IF This TEAM Also Perseveres,
    They May Take Us Into The Light…

    Brighter and Brighter Lights…
    With the Same Name As The Source of The Darkness



    This Yearʻs Question?
    How Many Wins Beyond 20?

  10. FYI: Read some game summaries of Tyler Harville with his Vermont team. He has performed well. He is known for his unlimited shooting range. Also, viewed some of the player highlights of other players in the league, very good players with high skill levels. Overall, it’ll be interesting and exciting at the very least.

    Haven’t found anything recent on Flemming. Anything out there?

  11. Eagle, Dallan and fans, that is the hope…another MBB fan, twitter feed, hashtag trust coach, really feels let this play out. (Eagle, did HC consult with B_? former coach?…that would be prudent)
    I think it was one of our fans from east , who mentioned, it would have to be lack of institutional control, the animals running amok in the zoo, or the prisoners, running the prison and the warden, any,…you go the idea..

    Are there lesser degrees of punishment, according to that NCAA handbook, there are…Not the 2 year probation type, loss of Post season play etc., that is we are hoping for.

    For Sammis, to trust coach and staff, and the important thing,…He confided in others before committing, and of course must have told his parents, could be a leap of faith, or Eagle and Dallan, HC and staff, AD, UH, and their counsel, feel that it will not be the heavy Hammer. If it were , any hint , I don’t THINK Sammis would commit, or the rest of team would scatter or transfer..

    JMO…Must, be MBB program, knows the degree of infractions, and are following protocol, albeit, the NCAA really takes long time…hopefully lesser, sanctions , discipline, and UH still gets to play Post season, which is the key..for me at least..

    The new and returnees, this is one year, with talent and team work, can get to NCAA’s I really believe it!

    Eagle: really believe, HC Gib, he says, they run clean program, might be errors made, however not death penalty sanctions..JMO!!

    Go Rainbow Warriors!
    And Eagle and Dallan and fans, Keep your heads up high, UH is going to rock the BWC!

  12. Eagle : true dat….way things are going,…maybe not have that compliance entity anymore in few years…who knows.,…BCS…has their own…those schools…Hawaii would have to be part of that in future..

    Sammis, of the Superman physique! Welcome, and get ready to rock the rims!
    but that is the KEY trust what the MBB brain trust is saying, they compliant, willing to correct, discipline and move on…
    Look forward to great summer, and BWC play, and NCAA tournament run..The light at end of the tunnel!

    tako:. looked at Isaac Fleming Youtube videos, of his Prep school(like attending an extra year of HS, prep for college)accordingly, he is legit 3 star, bigger ,stronger, very confident..
    Thomas, is our man, in fact so is Valdes…too legit high flyers, long and get rim rock!

  13. you know what WI MBB nation? I am definitely, as jjay rightly says, give it a rest , the ncaa investigation…it is what it is…HC and staff, very upfront with their two visiting bigs about it..UH compliant with investigation.
    Nature of, if any, sanctions, I don’t know…so , when I was a young lad, parents said, if you don’t know about something LET IT GO…better not to say, unless you have all the facts.

    I believe, Dayton will have a great writeup and video interviews with Coach and staff when ncaa investigation is over.

    So WI fans, I will LET IT GO….run its course and hope for the best..through Adversity, true measure of man, or woman, will you come out stronger and better for it? I certainly, in fact I am confident, this staff, and with the signing, and ONCE again, the MOST IMPORTANT signing of Gib’s 4 year tenure so far, Sammis Reyes, willing to commit, and LOI, speaks volumes.

    Go Bows!

  14. Sammis, one thing you must have picked up on during on your visit was the international/multicultural aspect of Hawaii, of the university, and of the team. You’ll be playing with guys from Serbia, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.S. east coast and the west coast and Honolulu. With your Chilean roots you add to the diversity. Keep in mind that, while it can be a challenge and even frustrating in the short run to adjust to such a mix of cultural styles and attitudes, in the long run that diversity helps makes the team strong. Everyone has something unique and special to contribute to the whole, and everyone (not just the coaches) has an obligation to help sort out what that is and how you can all help each other be successful.

    It’s going to be quite a journey! Enjoy the challenge, work hard in the classroom and the gym, find your role, and have fun. You’ll have a lot of fans rooting for you from the day you put on the Warrior uniform. Welcome to the ohana!

  15. Eagle:
    I will take a guess, less than a year from March Madness 2015…UH…24-7, BWC regular season champs. and hopefully BWC tourney champs
    so 4 more wins….kind of conservative, however a lot of new guys,…loads of talent though!

  16. Tako. You r correct about Harville range. Led NEPSAC league with 125 made threes last yr. If you haven’t seen him play against good players u should watch him play Cushing Academy with Kaleb Joseph (signed Syracuse) and Jalen Adams (Kansas recruit). It can be seen on hudl.com. Especially good stretch from clips 11 thru 19. User Id or email address is gharville@prestressservices.com. Password is greg1210. Then hit library and find Cushing game. Quite of few games on their. Harville is 4 in white. Also watch 50 in white. Tyler Jackson is 7’1″ 250+. He will be a senior next year. Good friends with Harville. Would like to follow him to Hawaii. I know Akana is tracking him.

  17. Tako. You may find it easier to watch on the Hudl app. Played 01/24/14. Joseph and Adams are numbers 1 & 2 in purple. Real studs but Harville led all scorers in that game with 25 or 26. Made 6 or 7 threes. Clips 11 to 19 are best stretch if u can’t watch the whole game.

  18. Jake:
    nice video on Harville. Young guy can shoot it. He will love that Manoa Summer league, basically all offense, until the playoffs. In past, some guys scored 63 pts, etc.
    run and gun have fun.
    Yes, nice if can get some young bigs from East, that would be great pipeline!

  19. Jake:

    that Tyler, he must really like the vacation with family part to Hawaii. To walkon , for maybe one year…who knows, although having another offer, he is the free spirit, once again with aid from his family, like our preferred walkons, who work just as hard in class and on the court.

    Jake must have had really good shooting coaches, his form is good, to get ball off against D, and hawaiifan09, I know, I know, why are we talking about Walkons, well, they have been a big part of foundation for Gib program for 4 years…2 earned scholarships, at least one, a partial Spring ride.

    Our guy, scholarship 6’4″ 200, that hit 7-7 from 3 land, in first half, over a year ago, is rehabbing his ankle, if Brandon Jawato, can get healthy, he is streak 3 ball shooter, he can turn game around..plus he has decent size to play 3 as well.

    Good if All 5 guys on the court had game of 3 ball to the rim and one, as well as 80% or better FT percentages…

  20. It’s true what Hawaiifan09 says in that muscles alone don’t mean you can play. But what muscles tell me, and what playhoopsa has been alluding to, is that Sammis has the discipline at that young age to work on his body in preparation for his basketball future. If anyone tried to maintain a 365 days a year weight lifting/diet regiment at 10% fat content, I’ll tell you right now that’s incredible discipline. That’s the reason why only 1% of the general public can maintain that muscle to weight proportion.I have no doubt that this fellow has discipline in his life and you need it in order to excel in sports today. Furthermore, show me a guy with muscles that sits on the bench the whole game. If at the least the coach is going to put him in to play defense and bang a few bodies to slow them down. Tony Akpan comes in mind. So now he has to go out there and prove that he belongs and he has the mental aspect of the game too. And hopefully Sammis is a quick learner on defense. It’s gotta be there if you have any meaningful aspirations of playing time.

  21. Playhoopsa. Harville says his dad worked with him the most but he had two really good ex players from Kentucky that he learned a lot from thru individual paid instructions. Not sure of your age but you may have heard of them. Kyle Macy and JP Blevins. Macy was one of the greatest players to ever play at UK. Part of the 1978 title team. Nearly perfect shooting form. Both of those guys put him thru many drills as he was growing up.

  22. SHOOT Lights Out

    Inside MUSCLE UP

    Leapers, ALL Passers

    Can Make for An Exciting And Entertaining Brand of Basketball

    Highlights and More Highlights

    TIME For A Weekly UHMBB Highlight SHOW
    Someone Ought To Pay Dayton to Produce That…
    And Keep it Posted Here…
    BIG Stations, Donʻt GO With Formula
    Go With The Best…

  23. Jake:
    that Kentucky 1978 champion team, Macy., Rick Robey, Jackie Givens, I know that Macy was transfer, had to jar memory, yes I go that faaaar back..online.
    At that time, any team other than UCLA winning the title was great!

    Tyler will have to battle Brocke Stepteau, you go to Sports Hawaii UH MBB commits, and look at his video hilite, a 5’9″ 3 point bomber, too…Michael Harper, the strongest man , until maybe Sammis, a streak 3 ball shooter, those are the 3 pt bombers, the preferred walkons, oh yes, one more, our pride and joy of the 808 Hawaii, 5’9″ Dyrbe Enos out of Kamehameha schools, best buddy with Isaac Fotu, super forward.

    I agree, that was weak area supreme last year, only Nevels 3 point threat, he in foul trouble or off, UH would lose leads and lose the games. Never can have enough guys that can shoot it, I think 2 star, Rodderick Bobbitt can, he inside out game, Isaac Fleming 3 star, big guard inside out, ..and of course, Negus Webster Chan, who can bomb from inside of half court, same with Stefan Jankovich!

  24. mr. eagle…heard, or read post last week on the R-rated UH sports blog, that one…B____O said by THIS WEEK…thing would explode on coach. So far, have to wait, I haven’t seem UH MBB implode. Might take discipline, however, still going fairly strong..right

  25. Playhoopsa. Right, Navy was Mr Indiana senior yr, went to Perdue then to Cats. Named all American next 3 years. Ive seen Brocke Stepteau play a few games. Needs to work on a quicker release IMO but certainly has some good skills and can help. I just hope a few guys step up the 3 point % this year. Mid majors have to be elite at 3s to compete with the big boys. That is the one thing most very good mid majors have in common.

  26. Sorry. Can’t type on phone. Macy. Not Navy. Purdue. Not Perdue

  27. Aloha Sam the Man, when you get off the plane and someone comes up and asks “what time is it”
    your tell um “IT’S WARRIOR TIME!!” Aloha bruddah

  28. Star Advertiser columnists, must be really slow new period. Ferd article about termination of Gib, it seems like sensationalist journalism. I Call out, and I have, Dave R. and Ferd L. , they have a huge axe to grind with Gib. Did they ever hear of Due process. NCAA protocol. Let the investigation finish their job. Then can sort things out. Disappointed, in that type of journalism of which Dayton Morinaga would never be a part of. Speculation, and assuming worse case before the fact. Wonder, that UH, Gib and their counsel don’t turn it around on SA, when investigation is over, and possible not death blow sanctions, maybe lesser things, totally able to correct and work out..


    People close to insiders at the Star Advertiser say, “If we continue to lose our Advertising Dollar and Subscriptions, we may have no other choice than to either let go some of our staff or put our paper up for sale.” In recent years, the once Gold Standard of Reporting in Hawaii has turned into the Hawaiian Enquirer and left would be advertisers seeking alternatives to their marketing dollars. “They are just not credible anymore and we find our customer base is just not responding to our ads with SA!”

    In recent years, reporting by the Sports Department has surmised that “Vander is not returning, Fotu is not returning,” and seems to be on a Witch Hunt in order to sell papers. All the while, a once struggling Warrior Basketball Program has been on the Rise during the Coach Gib Arnold Era. He has doubled the number of people in the stands, including the student section, has met and achieved the highest academic standards in the history of the program and has yet to have a losing season. Fans are following The Warriors year round now mainly because of the Talent they are bringing in of late.

    Why would a once credible reporter give into such Gotcha, (NOT), Reporting? Is he looking for a better place to land with the National Enquirer when he is Released?

    Why would any Reputable Business in Hawaii back such nonsense reporting?

  30. Don’t even bother anymore with reading Dave or Ferd columns. They couch their opinions in “although no charges yet” then proceed as if charges already filed and involve terminating coach. All under the guise of informing public what “could” happen. Perhaps next column will be on who next coach will be once Gib is out of here. UH could have a search committee of two, DR and FL. They have access to the crystal ball so should already know who the next hire should be, saves UH time and money plus benefit of having two great bb minds hand pick coach and return to sell outs at Stan Sheriff, top APR, great schedules, and a perpetual BWC championship. Come on folks, we just don’t appreciate invaluable information when we see it. Mahalo, Dave and Ferd. We see the light now thanks to your top notch investigative journalism!

  31. the media have columnists, who give opinions and that’s just the way it is, freedom of speech, no censorship in the US. Besides this is a positive website ,negative comments one way or the other. go on the blogs ,yeah?

  32. jjay:

    THIS SITE FOR ALL THINGS Warrior Men’s Basketball. And majority of comments very, very positive!

    You are correct, however, the posts above, very supportive of UH MBB, the HC, letting things play out. You know one thing, Dayton, he is such the Warrior Insider, if there is a breaking news to report, something significant, he would be the first, getting the facts, and not opinionate. That is why Dayton is the best among the media coverage of UH MBB!

    mahalo Dayton for your hard work and the Schmidt Ohana sponsorship as well as others!

  33. Well, I got scoldings here in this blog for calling The Gibper a Great Used Car Salesman, so there is some eveness around here for me to have some fun.

    Don’t think bm or dm spew a lot opinions but mostly facts on what’s happening with UHbb. Dave mentioned he feels it’s the entire program that’s failing because of communications and it’s his opine. The “fan” in Dave’s article said a lot to be investigated on by the NCAA. Ferds article headline was to make readers bite and not a fact of Gib’s firing.

    I have to agree with Hoosier. But here’s my take on writers, the goodie goodie on down to pessimistic thoughts:

    Mr. Tsai <— he's reports mostly if not all UHfb so maybe Dayton's at the top
    Dayton M.
    Brian M.

  34. Sammis…working on your game, great! One particular need, and done very well by Christian Standhardinger and Isaac Fotu two 6’8″ 4’s…they shot between 73% and 76 % from the line. So important, since you are strong, you will get fouled going to the rim. If you can finish And one, that is three point play the old way, just as good as a 3 pointer, plus you are drawing fouls on opponents.

    Really hoping that Mike Thomas will play with confidence, be bigger, stronger, maybe even taller…he can shoot it, just has to play no fear, have fun out there, and Ball!!

  35. Standhardinger dunked buckets maybe once of twice during his career here @ UH but he had the knack of getting the ball in the hoop in all type of ackward positions while being fouled. Standhardinger was a good actor on the court too

  36. Yes, agree…Christian could draw fouls however done..total desire and hustle, incredible for a guy who basically went only strong right hand!

    You think of the legacy of UH MBB Gib Era Warriors, or Rainbow Warriors in 2014.
    Miah O.
    Bill Amis
    Zane Johnson
    Brandon Spearman

    They left it all out on the floor on offense and defense. I remember watching them at ends of games, and Zane, plus Miah were bent over , hands on knees in total exhaustion. Real credit to those Warriors!

    Now, Isaac Fotu, will be our Kiwi King Warrior, Isaac will be bigger , stronger, more explosive with that 3/4 game.
    Mike Thomas: young man, all up to you…work hard
    And the new and returnees…like U. Conn. of this year, the national champs, I am sure UH MBB is going to go out and try to prove they are one of the best teams in the land.

    Still….takes ,dedication, desire, heart, athletic skill, and TEAM/Win first before self and stats!

  37. Plus this year, Nevels, Smith, Jovanovich, Jawato, Valdes, Enos, Hackman, Harper, Rozitis, stuck together as TEAM…and did their best to WIN…man if only they won that Northridge game! oh well, next year!
    Don’t want to leave anyone out. For Gib to recruit from East Coast, that is fantastic, now has athletes from West to East of USA, NZ, Aust., Chile via Fla. USA..one Sammis Superman Reyes!!

    Go Bows!

  38. Shucks all great comments!

    Zane Johnson, is a great example of what the pros look like. Zane improved 100% after he graduated with one year playing pro ball, significant improvement; almost did not recognize him.

    As all have mentioned at one time or another, all players need to step up and come back stronger/quicker and more skilled, if they want to take the court. This year especially, with so much “potential.” To clarify, mean stepping up and playing at least at the highest D1 level. If aspirations are to play in the NCAA tourney, well that’s the minimum level of play, never mind, mid-major or whatever. As Negus said, “why not us?”

    At the end of the day, how many players do we have that are 365 day players and committed to improve their game; that’s the question, and we as fans will see it on the court. Hustle and desire make up for mistakes, Christian was a great example.

    Have a SAFE and Fun M-day tomorrow everyone.

  39. thought zane and bill were nash recruits

  40. hfan09: correct..I think amis , hiram thompson played for 3 coaches..wallace..nash..gib..it was gib’s great first year..when they won 19 games..was when guys were pedal to the metal on defense one of nation’s best..

    amis..johnson..nash get and with gib 2 years..really went all out set precedent for gib teams if you play great D and shoot well close out games ..why not have 10-11 Rainbow Warriors playing hard effect winning..maybe finally this year gib can do that..ncaa tourney teams this year ran 10-11 guys in and out. ?.don’t wear out!

    Go Rainbow Warriors!!

  41. hfan09: correct, had to check UH athletics site for rosters going back

    Nash: Zane Johnson(sat out RS transfer from Arizona St.)
    Gib: Zane Johnson-played Jr and Sr year for..

    Wallace: Hiram Thompson get-played as true freshman , great passer.
    Nash: Hiram comes back from mission
    Gib: Hiram is there for his senior year, however injured. always love that guy’s heart.

    That is what we talking about, Heart, desire , effort, Team and Win before Self and Stats, and team has to be physically in great shape., Gib uses more guys this year. to make run in post season

    Go Bows!

  42. sorry, must be getting old! Zane was transfer from Arizona.:)
    Home state Arizona, that guy one of the all time great 3 point shooters for UH.

    This year, several guys have to step up, shoot the ball, keep defenses honest, and UH in games, and stretching leads!

  43. tako

    If you are referring to the current UH MBB team, maybe Christian. But does anyone go to bed at 10pm and rise at 6am each day going to the gym whether the coach schedules practice or not? Is anyone a sweat hog training alone or taking on a pick up game? When you’re in a shooting slump do you go to the gym Saturday night to get in extra shooting in the process turning down a party? Are you in the weight room 3 to 4 times a week and rarely miss? Do you try to eat nutritious most of the time or do you tend to eat junk food because it’s tasty and convenient. That’s what you gotta do if you want to improve and make an impact to your game. It’s a big price to pay and, unfortunately the answer is no, few if any on our team are committed 365 days to improving their game. In the NBA nearly all are. That’s why they got there.

  44. Servante

    NWC is what you described. The dude takes no days off. Constantly in the weight room trying to but on muscle and gain some weight. He has stated that he already gained something like 20 pounds from last year. He also is in the gym putting up hundreds of shots on his own. Even when he goes back to Canada he works out everyday up there. Love his work ethic. Expecting big things from him.

  45. LEE: 100% agree with you. That Negus, used his RS transfer year get bigger, stronger, more explosive, many a time, when by himself, he putting up shots. Spearman had great work ethic too, great physique on that bro. the Spear!

    Negus, hope he can motivate Jankovich too, they in the game together, what weapons, however, especially at this point, Negus, this coming November for first game of the year, he has marked on his calendar, waited over year for it..look for Negus to blow up with UH MBB team next year.

    Bobbitt, Smith, Nevels, Negus, Fotu.
    Thomas, Jovanovich, Fleming, Valdes, Sammis, just so much more firepower, have to do it on D end, that was the thing at Mizzou, I think coaches wanted, Negus and Jankovich, stronger and better defenders…They will be, have to put in the work..be a monster in gym and weight room, eat right, that is Sammis Reyes, at 18 and going to be 19 in October 2014, he has a head start big time, on the NBA body type!

  46. Servante, comments were directed, IMO at what it takes to be “good.” Regarding the 365 day player, heard this comment from one on the premier college coaches this past year; believe his team went to the final four.

    Anyways, the closer players work to this end, more success follows, just maybe Negus is that player for next season.

    Used Christian has an example of a player last season, that exhibited hustle and desire. Used Zane as an example of a player that improved even more after college. Wanted to illustrate that getting better is attainable via practice, practice and practice.

    Finally, over the past two seasons, the team is getting better (albeit slowly) and this forthcoming season excitement is building for a break OUT. -Mahalo for your patience

  47. tako:

    your comments, I enjoy, .WI MBB fan nation been through a lot however, you see the bright side !.. always gives me a positive outlook for future. I appreciate it, in fact there must be thousands who feel the same, Patience…persevere, and the reward will come!

    UH MBB go out and shock the NCAA world and do some championship winning!

    Go Rainbow Warriors!

  48. Well said. Perhaps Negus will be that guy to motivate the entire team. Good to have a guy that can lead by example, thereby elevating everyone’s game. I think Gib once mentioned that he wants Negus to be that go to guy. Well he’s sitting in the best position to do it. And if he has that rare aura factor to elevate the players around him, we could be into something special. I haven’t seen it since the Anthony Carter days. AC was an athletic player with great point guard skills. He was not a particularly good shooter but he made up for it with tremendous penetrations to the basket and a never give up attitude. I really believe that AC elevated the game of the players around him. He is a natural leader and one of the most dedicated and intense players you could ever meet.

  49. hey servante you too…very positive, as is LEE, pimp, mraloha, TAVS, etc. a lot of new posts by regular viewers, however now stating their case for great 2014-15 season! Not to worry, we going be alright.

    keep it up, we going be alright!

  50. Speed of and physical nature of DI ball much different from High School.
    Sammis, you have a Great Attitude too, to get PT, and contribute at 3 or 4, work on your post and perimeter game.

    Love the discipline that Sammis displays already in weight room He will be a Beast!

    Thankyou to the Reyes Family in Chile, we appreciate you sharing Sammis with us for couple of years, and hopefully many NCAA tournaments!


  51. Does anyone know when the Green and White scrimmages, Dunk Contest etc. is? I think it’s sometime around October but not exactly sure. Also when do the summer league games start? So excited for this upcoming season it seems November is so far away.

  52. NO Announcements or 2014-15 UHMBB Schedule Yet
    when it’s out, Dayton Posts Fast…

    You Can Target around Friday, October 17 for Team Intro/Scrimmage
    (Unless NCAA starts earlier)…

    Manoa Valley NCAA Summer League starts Late June…
    Many UH Players should be in town for Second Summer Session by Early July,
    so usually join Summer League Teams about then…

    Dayton usually has the updates Early IF Not First…

    Kinda like Open Gym Videos of Last Year —
    where some of us accused Dayton of editing to hilites —
    then it turned out the whole team ‘could’ score at will,
    Like Top 20 National Scoring All Season…
    This Year’s Team could be Mind-Boggling…
    IF Some of the Newbies shoot as advertised…

    WI.com posts and updates
    really help Keep it Going, especially in the “between-season”
    when better / Greater Players Are Made…
    The Weeks Will Fly By Faster…here…

    Mahalo, Dayton & Co., Schmidts, Warriors, Coaches…

  53. Eagle is right LEE , one thing, Jawato rehabbing ankle, he probably here earlier than new guys, Jawato and Thomas will be the returnees, maybe Enos, that would be around run open gym, summer league etc. Hey time flies, at the end of this week , Sunday is June 1 2014.

    Basketball MBB style will be flying and slamming and jamming!

  54. Sammis Reyes.Potential. Much for a young guy. Will make team stronger.

    sidebar: Star Adv. pulled Ferd’s column, about Gib, I can’t find it anywhere, it might have been late last night or after midnight. Dave’s Column archived and still viewable.

    Would not doubt if someone said something to Star Adv. about article, quite inflammatory, and without merit, conjecture, speculation with hard fact. In court of law, case thrown out. Now, for those defamed by contact. well…UH , bet takes the high road. Star. Adv. don’t get it. Tabloid nonsense.

    Sammis Reyes. welcome aboard, soon, no more sidebars!

  55. The papers today are like banks. It’s a business and the bottom line is profit. Are the papers unbiased? hehehe.. Do banks care for the poor? Sure, but better not camp on my sidewalk. True papers are gravitating towards tabloids. Eh profit is profit right? Just hop on the bandwagon and flow with the trend because it makes money. Never mind what you think. As long as it’s legal and there’s money to be made. Any wonder that Integrity is fading fast in this world. A shake of hands goes to lawyers too. This is the real world folks. If you’re in the eye of the public, (Gib) bashing and law suits are the sad part of life today.


    ONE SCHEDULED EVENT: 12 Games, Usually Minimum 11 Televised

    Diamond Head Classic: December 22, 23 & 25, 2014

    Wichita State, Nebraska, Colorado, Loyola Marymount, George Washington, DePaul, Ohio, Hawai’i…

  57. Looking forward to the Diamond Head Classic. I believe if our team lives up to its potential we should be able to win the classic. Who knows if we get matched up with Wichita State SSC sold out? Would love for it to be similar to when we beat MSU back when they were ranked 4th.

  58. Used to really love basketball coverage by Dayton Morinaga, including articles written combined with Ferd Lewis. Dayton with Honolulu Advertiser for long time. One of the very best in the business. Dayton always respected your reporting, Great job. Now you doing this WI site too, aside from a full time job, wow! Much kudos to you and your family!

    SERVANTE: you are correct, with social media, instant information online, text, cell, networking, news travels far and wide very quickly. Would not doubt, if article written by Ferd about fighting over whatever for HC, concerns the young guys and their families that is no question. Sometimes, a journalist, sure, they are there to make money for selves and the paper, they have to think of IMPACT on program, future, current, athletes, fans and families. It is a HUGE responsibility. That is why, maybe JMO, that SA pulled Ferd’s column down off of the premium SA online sub.

    Anyways…sad in year 2014, that is the nature of things in life…well, can just wish for a bright future for MBB this year. they have 12-16 really great young men, and we back up HC, staff and the team!

    Go Bows!

  59. Lee: Once Brandon Jawato touches down for first summer session and works on rehabbing, would not doubt if Dayton has update with him. Then, July first week comes really fast, interviews pending with Bobbitt, Fleming, Stepteau, Reyes, Harville. Should get basketball juices flowing fast.

    The beach workouts, maybe Gib adjusts, I don’t know, always a nice thing, UH is so well conditioned, hopefully, they if 10-11 guys can play with no letdown in game at anytime, UH goes deep early season and late, look out BWC and NCAA’s, UH on a Mission!

    Go Rainbow Warriors!

  60. playhoopsa: Did Jawato get a redshirt for his year long injury?

  61. Lee:

    Believe, Jawato part of freshmen class of fall 2011. That first year it was decided he would RS, so Jawato used his Fr.RS year when he went 7 for 7 on three ball in first half, then he got injured not effective for rest of year.
    Fast forward, to last summer, Jawato’s ankles not well, worn out, could get medical sit out year, however told coach he wanted to play, therefore he burned up that Soph year. Unless, someone else, probably Dayton can ask coach or interview Brandon J. himself, whether he could petition for extra year. Otherwise as it stands , coming this year he is a Junior in eligibity

  62. Lee: more simply put…NO….Jawato could have had surgery on ankles before season started, probably this could have counted as a Medical Sit out year.

    As it stands- 2011-12 Red Shirted
    2012-13 Fr. played and was limited having been hurt
    2013-14 Soph. could have come out..however towards end of season HC and staff
    due to his limited agility and pain in ankles they shut down his season. Maybe
    have to petition ncaa for another year? I don’t know.

  63. Wichita state won’t be close to what they were this past season

  64. I could be wrong but I thought you could only petition for a medical waiver if you lost two years due to medical situations. In Jawato’s case the first redshirt year was just to get more D1 ready not because of an injury. I think he just lost a year and decided to get surgery earlier so he could be back in time for this upcoming year. Hate to knock on guys but Jawato is a one trick pony that is too slow to play defense. I’ve watched practices and he just has a hard time dealing with quicker guards. If his shot is not on he’s not very effective in other areas on the court.

  65. lot of potential if these new guys pan out, for the most part Pono got it right Jawato got his work cut out for him if he wants playing time this coming season.

  66. wonder who will step up for extra 3 ball threat? Negus, Bobbitt, Fleming, Smith(really had to work on his shot)Jankovich can shoot 3 ball.

    Hmmmm, it is up for grabs , probably every spot except for Nevels and Fotu, JMO.

  67. playhoopsa: I would think Nevels, Fotu, and Negus have their spots. I’m a big Negus fan and a top 100 talent like Negus who originally committed to Louisville I would think has an extreme amount of talent. You don’t come across top 100 players too often.

  68. Lee, I think per Gib tradition, kind of open it up for all spots come fall camp, everyone has chance to show if they can D up, take care of ball, run half court to perfection, and quick strike offense.

    Just that, in terms of experience with UH MBB team, primarily it is, for now, Garrett Nevels and Isaac Fotu, No Question Negus and Janks are top 100 out of HS, 3 star athletes, with SEC game or better, they know they work hard, and Negus, looks like almost zero body fat on him, as well as Stefan Janks, they work it, UH will have level of talent , that Gib has not had before in 4 years,

    How about this Lee:
    If season started tomorrow-
    PG: Roderick Bobbitt(he really has to step up to DI ready)
    SG: Garrett Nevels
    SF: Negus Webster-Chan/Sammis Reyes
    Center: if he work it, Stefan Jovanovich, the bro can Ball!
    PF: Isaac Fotu/Sammis Reyes
    PF: Mike Thomas-if MT puts in the work, pretty sure, guys are on a mission, prove to world and NCAA UH MBB team, is good, and here to battle for national championships, hopefully. Potential is the greatest I have seen in awhile, just that there are a lot of freshman and sophomores, however if you can play in Gib’s system and affect winning, no pouting, you will play, that was the recruiting pitch,…play hard, work hard, D up, team player, listen to coach , get along with team, and do well in school and community.Lee shaping up to be Gib’s best team in 5 years!


  69. playhoopsa, where Q at?

  70. very sure Q went home to Antioch, Ca. for the summer workout on his game, saw no indication that he was not returning. In fact, the guys did so well in school, only Jawato, rehabbing ankles, Thomas, in July 2nd summer UH session, and newbies, Bobbitt, Sammit, Fleming, Harville and Stepteau will be in town, from July.

    I don’t, know, unless anyone on forum has spoken to him. I believe he is part of team, a big part!

  71. Good to hear Hoops. I was luke warm on him in the beginning but after reading some of your and others posts I started to pay attention to specifics and have grown to really like the kid. Especially like his personality on and off the court. Seems to be a real team guy. Like his quick hops too. Seems he can get to rim in a hurry.

    Also, people have been mentioning that Negus has gained a lot of muscle. I have not seen any video or images lately. Are you and others see him just in public or practice? Hope to see him in summer league.

  72. playhoopsa: Agree with you 100% on that point. Who knows maybe MT could be the star? 6’8 athletic wing with 3 point range. Like you said so much potential on this team.

    warriorhaw: Regarding Negus I follow him on his social media websites. His Instagram is: ScarboroughBuilt and his twitter is @theofficialnwc. You can tell if you look at his early interviews with UH and his Mizzou days he’s put on a noticeable amount of muscle he claimed he went from around 190 to 215ish.

  73. You all are getting me psyched up. Hope someone reminds players that the summer league doesn’t count, conditioning, enjoying the offense and meeting your new teammates should be the focus. I would hate to see anyone hurt like we have seen in the past. We have so much potential this year to field a team with real depth, let’s do it.

  74. Grasshopper in the house! Next year, Garrett N, could be the guy that makes the MOST significant impact next season. Like his grit and determination….

    Fotu will be interesting to watch, each year he gets better. Would like to see him increase his lower body strength and quickness.

    IMO, both Thomas and Valdes are in similar situations. Both need a solid medium range shot, need to get stronger and assert their presence on the court all the time. Too inconsistent right now to be effective. Do expect improved play from them next season, like their attitude and aptitude.

    Another interesting player is Q. We need a maestro on the court. Would like to see him more focused when directing. And, when attacking off the dribble assure he finishes and not get caught in the air with no space to go (like the attacking aspect of his game) or dish quickly once he commits a defender.

    Take your blood pressure medication when watching Negus play, he is a high energy player that will bring big time emotion on both court and with fans. You are gotta like him or hate ‘um. Is this a good thing? Ans: Yes. Believe, that was what Missouri wanted from him.

    IMO the two DARK horses are the STE-FANS (Start To Energize – FANS).

    To close = Juggernaut in the house, welcome Sammi!

    Let’s tease each other and get excited for next season.

  75. Negus, Nevel and Fotu have positions locked. Negus is straight up a muscle man now. Look at his twitter and instagram pictures. I think Bobbitt and Smith will battle for the PG position. Without seeing Bobbitt play why are people so quick to hand him the job. Q Smith has D1 playing experience and a better understanding of the offense and teammates at this point. I think this will be a tough battle. I think the last position goes to Jovanovich just because Jank is ineligible til Dec. I like Mike Thomas’s potential but that is all I’ve seen, potential. I’m not sure why everyone thinks he’s also going to contribute a lot this year when he barely sniffed any playing time last year. Lots of pieces to work with but they all need to come together.

  76. PONO:
    good comments. that is why consensus of posts:” All the guys have to work hard, get better,” from newbies to returnees. Valdes is another one, loads of potential, think that it might be focus, such a fun loving guy. Thomas, he says he wants to play, he grind every day until Oct practice starts, the sky is the limit.

    Gib , accurate statement, might be the best overall talent 1-11 or he has had in his 4 years+
    We cannot wait for season to begin!

  77. I forgot about Valdes. He like MT are in the lots of potential bucket but has yet to put it together consistently to warrant playing time. If MT and AV don’t get a lot of playing time this year it might point to the coaches being unable to develop them. 3 years without a lot of improvement is a red flag for me that the coaches might be lacking.

  78. Yes. MT and AV. Those guys have legitimate monster potential. Have to remember, AV was preferred walkon, sat out first year, and MT Gib thought of Red Shirting him, however because of lack of depth, he played first year. MT definitely wanted to play and contribute last year. My observation, PONO, when MT got into game, a little out of of control, and soon as ball came his way he was firing a 27 foot 3 ball, he should have got closer to the rim, and finishe, would have scored more. Freshman struggles. MT, very intelligent young guy, very smart student, great parents , good stock.probably why he coming in early, to work on game. He has that Christian S. spot to fight for, he can win it. I am pulling for him. Same with AV, if both guys Grind it out, put in the work, and keep head positive they will play a lot and affect winning no question.
    What a luxury to have a 6’8″ and maybe close to 6″6″ athletic young guys to help UH MBB, haven’t heard of that around UH in a long, long time. Especially when they MT and AV, had guys playing ahead of them..wow!

  79. Great comments! Would only add that if MT and AV don’t see the court much this season, it’s going to be because either the guys in front are significantly better OR they didn’t work to improve in the off season. Their team mates in similar positions (3 and 4) are Negus, Sammi and Janko. It’ll be even tougher when the team plays with three guards.

    Rooting for these two guys to improve; if we are to surpass the 20+ win game mark we’ll need them to take the court and be effective.

    I’m kinda like Pono, but, I’ll add Fleming to the list with Bobbitt as unknowns. The video I’ve seen of both players are “okay,” just not enough to get excited about. Sooo, can’t wait to see ‘um play in person.

  80. Tako:
    you got it. As Christian, Negus, Brandon Spearman, were willing to grind out to get better, depends on returnees to fight for PT and spot. Think that those freshmen from last year AV and MT, Jovanovich have big advantage, having played together with DI court time and one year in BB system

    Tako, you are correct, this is the time of season we play “Fantasy UH MBB team” who will be starters or top 7-10 guys.

    Bobbitt might have legitimate game athletically on D, his hands are so quick. Nearly 4 steals a game, plus had the rim to 3 line game. However you never know until they are here in July!

  81. In response to winbows1 post on May 26, 10:44 am,

    Ferd’s article can be found under “Back Issues”, Sunday, ( May 25) .


  82. I still expect Harville to be “secret weapon”. We shall see. No one seems to properly value a kid that leads state of Kentucky and NEPSAC in made 3s in back to back years.

  83. Jake..you are scout right? I would trust your judgment.
    we need good 3 point shooters!!

    Look forward to seeing interview with him.

    like reyes signing..maybe Tyler is that additional gem.

  84. SAMMIS!

    Hope You’re ‘Monitoring’ Your TWO Posted pages here @ WI.com…
    Since You Signed…(Really Started Before these Two Pages)
    150 Various ‘Informed’ / SMART Comments from YOUR Hawai’i Following…


    You Made a Smart Choice, Probably The Right Choice for a Great College Career…
    By Choosing Hawai’i…

    Welcome, E Komo Mai…

  85. Eagle:
    I , echo your statements, apologize to WI nation for over 30 of the 85 posts so far, however, as Negus would say: Why Not? remember at beginning, maybe 3 or 4 or 5 posts on some topics, now each topic, will average about 50 or more, maybe one day hit the magic 200 posts!

    I love UH MBB for decades whomever the coach, from Klum gym, to Bloch arena, Blaisdell Arenad, to the Stanely.
    From Rocha, O’Neil, Pitino for 6 games, Little, Frank Arnold, Riley Wallace, Bob Nash, and Gibson Arnold.

    Love how much passion each of the past 9 or so HC’s had or have for UH MBB hoops.

    Hey newbies, or those reading our comments, I might get digital flexor strain from typing so much. however love it, retired, so that is why can do it!

    Sammis, stick it out, This program will be battling and be even stronger with your recruiting class, including, Tyler Harville, Eagle and shout out to Boston Jake, Tyler, might be that Fish get, preferred walkon invite, who makes huge difference, just keep on shooting Tyler, get bigger, faster, stronger, and play D!

    Go Rainbow Warriors!

  86. I hope that Harville gets a fair shot to compete for playing time. It’s already tough enough for a walk on to crack the rotation and it will make things harder that the guy who recruited him, Fish is no longer going to be with the program. The guy who recruits you normally has your back and watches out for you.

    In regards to MT and AV I do believe that Negus is a much better talent but if developed properly by the coaches MT and AV should see court time with their size and athleticism. I’m not sure they know or understand what their role is or what is expected. You would expect a guy like MT to be down in the low block banging but we he got into games he was shooting threes and outside shots. I have a feeling that they won’t fit into the system we have going.

  87. PONO: agreed. you know what, I think aside from Nevels, Fotu, pretty much lock for starters, as well as projected super BB talent Negus, …the other spots PG, C, are up for grabs.

    Could be Bobbitt, Smith, Filopovich, Harville, Jawato,
    Thomas, Valdes
    Jovanovich, whom I believe will be very good.
    and Jankovich, ALL have a shot for starters role, and major PT. Gib has to stick with 10 or more use of roster throughout the season, from game one to game thirty one. Too many times, the team ran out of gas late in season, and Gib’s teams, so fatigued could not finish, or get to big time Post Season Dances.

    All up to the guys, and Harville, too, did not someone post, that Harville was still coming to Hawaii, no matter what Fish was going to do? Or is Harville now going to follow?
    Wish that Harville comes out, …we can use a good 3 point shooter, no question, and if Scout Jake of Boston, says he is good in that super competitive league in New England, he must be good, like AV, ability to earn one!

  88. One thing of note, KGMB/KHNL/KFVE joined at the hip right, with Hawaii news now and, drum roll please, Staradvertiser,…why would that be the only TV station to break what is knowledge we knew about already, and Gib commented on prior. Chris, upfront, wanted to be assistant so looking elsewhere, more power to him, Gib will give greatest letter of recommendation, Fish, same thing..

    That Benjy and Brandyn, And Jamie Fisher, still with program, well that leaves. possibly two spots to fill, a lot look for DOBO, positions, even some good ex assistant coaches, HC’s, and Fish, that is his choice wish him the best..

    Hawaii news now- Staradvertiser. once KGMB and Advertiser were real leaders, now, they have to have breaking NEWS, with something that is old news to us!

    Pono..all I can say is…NEXT up, new Bigs assistant and DOBO, wish Fish and Chris the best, to very nice hard working and classy guys!

  89. one more thing, maybe super media guy, and the best WI MBB reporter, video man Dayton Morinaga, might have update video interview with Chris McMillian and Coach Fisher…then we here their side of story.
    here that dang Breaking news, Hawaii news, Starcrazy advertise, agency..tries to make connection to investigation, how to they KNOW? If anyone knows, anything to break and settle the case, come forward, stop dragging it out..bet UH, gets discipline, more minor penalties and goes to NCAA tourney next season!

  90. Re: playhoopsa
    May 27, 2014 • 7:26 pm

    Were you around when Al Saake was the coach for UH with the games played at Klum Gym ? There was Norman Ching, Clay Cockett and others …

    Not a bad seat in the gym as far as being close to the action.

    Jake and others:
    On the current team, how about Jack Hackman, he’s supposed to be a very good shooter.

  91. islandman,

    well been following since about 1965-66, so Red was coach. They had some very good visiting and road games with good teams. Jacksonville with Artis Gilmore, was it Florida and Dave Cowens, sometimes it gets cloudy. Houston with Elvin Hayes, was that a televise RBC game, cannot remember..anyway, was young and was fun!

    Mr Saake, a little before my time, however, I loved when UH was still playing those military base teams, they were so good, that sometimes, they would beat UH!

    Ahhhh, in the past, past, UH MBB in old days, the HC’s did have some modest winning records.!
    UH basketball, very rich legacy, and continues!

  92. Dayton will probably confer later, I think was mentioned somewhere that Jack Hackman was not returning with the team. Too bad. He work on his game, and with some height, 6’5″ really and weight if he grew to 200 lb…he has great form on shot.

    islandman, could be wrong, however , I think Hackman, will not return to Hawaii. Nice guy, great shooting touch.,

  93. Playhoopsa. I’m sure Tyler Harville is still coming. I traded text with him this morning. He is taking 6 credit hours and playing in summer league. He just isn’t sure what day he will actually start playing in league since he doesn’t get there until June 29th with family. Says Akana told him he has him all signed up in league. For the draft or however that works. Harville didn’t know all the details about that yet.

    Pono. You are correct. I think it will be harder for Harville to get a legitimate chance without Fisher there. Harville keeps it simple. Texted me saying he just plans on playing hard in every practice and in every drill and if he proves he deserves PT he will get it. If he doesn’t deserve it then he will sit and cheer for the guys that have earned it.

  94. Here’s something to consider. Talent always rises to the top. In the pro draft combine, one of the commentators for one player (on the bubble player) noted, “he’s got to do one thing great, so much so, that it’s got to be, we have to have him.” Same with Tyler, regardless of whether Fish is here or not, the staff is aware him. It would be unfair otherwise to have him as a preferred walk-on. The MBB is under the spot light right now, it behooves all that they run a clean, competitive and “Pono” program. Love them “Rudy and Invincible” movies, TALENT is something that always floats up, because it is not weighted down by the negatives. Wishing Tyler the best….

  95. Tako. Just sent Harville your comments. Tyler says he appreciates your well wishes. He agrees with your comments.

  96. Curious how UH’s recruiting class stacks up against the rest of the Big West. Ran across Justin Burks, a UCSB recruit. This guy shows everything:

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