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Webster-Chan is latest recruit in the mix

Another player has emerged in the mix of potential recruits for the Hawai’i basketball team, and he could be a great catch for the future.

Negus Webster-Chan, a 6-foot-7 combo guard, said he will be making a visit to Hawai’i this week. He recently completed his freshman season at Missouri, but was granted a release from the Tigers last week.

Hawai’i is his first official visit in his “re-recruiting” process. Webster-Chan said Hawai’i head coach Gib Arnold tried to recruit him several years ago.

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“I got to know Coach Gib back before I signed with Missouri,” Webster-Chan said. “I guess I rushed into committing. I’m not saying it was a mistake, but it was one of those things you have to go through to get to where you need to be.”

Webster-Chan appeared in 32 games as a freshman at Missouri, which was ranked in the Top 25 polls for much of the season. He finished the season averaging 2.5 points and 2.0 rebounds per game.

One of his highlight games of the season was a 12-point, 5-rebound performance in a win over VCU. He also had six points and six rebounds in a loss to eventual national champion Louisville.

Webster-Chan also saw action in the NCAA Tournament, scoring four points in 14 minutes of reserve action in Missouri’s first-round loss to Colorado State last month.

Webster-Chan started six games early in the season, but his minutes diminished later in the year.

“I was playing a lot in the beginning of the season, and then somehow my minutes went down,” he said. “I just feel like I wasn’t meant to be there, so I talked to my family and we decided we would look to transfer.”

Webster-Chan is listed as a guard on the Missouri roster, but he said he can play multiple positions, ranging from point guard to power forward.

“I can play the 1, 2 or 3 on offense, and I’ll guard the 4 on defense, if you ask me to,” he said. “I think I can bring offensive power and solid defense to any team.”



Hawai’i is apparently getting first shot at the versatile player.

“I just got my release (from Missouri) about a week ago, so I don’t have any other visits set up as of now,” he said. “If Hawai’i turns out to be the best fit for me, I just might say it’s done and not visit any other schools.”

Prior to signing with Missouri, Webster-Chan was considered one of the top prep recruits in the country. During his two seasons at national power Huntington Prep in West Virginia, he was being recruited by such programs as Louisville, Kentucky, Marquette, UNLV, Baylor and Clemson.

Manroop Clair, who just completed his freshman season with the Warriors, played with Webster-Chan for a season at Huntington Prep.

Like Clair, Webster-Chan is originally from Canada. He lists Scarborough, Ontario, as his hometown, and played for Canada’s U17 and U19 national teams in recent years.

If Webster-Chan signs with Hawai’i – or any other NCAA Division I team – he will have to sit out the 2013-14 season per NCAA transfer rules, and then would have three seasons of eligibility remaining after that. He said he will complete his classes at Missouri for this semester to remain in good academic standing.

As for his last name, he said his ethnicity includes one-quarter Chinese from his mother’s side of the family.

(Photos from MUTigers.com)

The first video below features highlights from Missouri’s win over South Carolina State. Webster-Chan appears at the 0:35 and 0:55 marks. The second video below is from the summer of 2011, prior to his senior season of prep school.


  1. Brandyn Akana: I think for immediate help you all need a great scoring PG and a creative athletic SG/Wing for this year. The increased athleticism and scoring to battle in BW and against all teams you face.Righ Dayton.

    Now with Chan entering mix as transfer sitting out one year, could be 2 or maybe even 3 scholarships available. Maybe even 4, with graduation of Davis, if he does, Oz move on to pro in Coratia, Jawato and Valdes on walkon status, awaiting word for full ride scholies by time they are sophomore and Junior. Possible Manroop going to DII school. Maybe, like last year, 5 scholies opened up. Could happen agiain, as long as doesn’t impact the APR, and UH loses future scholarships and post season play, then we are back were we wee Riley’s last years and Bob Nash”s tenure. I am sure 100% on this board want UH MBB to move forward, 20 + wins, BWC regular season or BWC tourney championships and NIT or NCAA invites that come with it. Gib no time to regress. If 4 scholies open up for this 2013-14 season. My wish list, super scoring winning JC PG, SG combo who can play 1 or 2 spot, great shooter from anywhere on the court, plus, the guy can break his man down off the dribble and take it to the cup and finish.

    Also, if 4 scholies available, another PF, a lot of decommits out there, a stretch 4 6’9″ 235 PF who can handle, block shots, 36 inch vertical, rebounding demon on O and D glass, and FT 80 per cent or better. Finally a 6’10” 230 lb raw, player from the Sudan, like an Ahmet Gueye, tough, smart and will play team ball.

    So fantasy UH recruits for 2013-14 if 4 scholies open up(I don’ think so,,it is just a fantasy thing0, That is my wish list, and Gib go out and fill it with great kids! PG,SG, PF, and raw C, that is athletic and not emotional like Vander. You have these new kids bond with the returnees, you could have a top 20 team for next season.

    I am just dreaming. In reality, I think 2 or maybe 3 scholarships open, and Gib lands a PG, SG and a backup stretch 5.

    Go Warriors! I love recruiting time. Just follow NCAA and APR guidlelines
    Gib and you can have a monster team nest year!!


  2. I like that Gib is going after D1 transfers to supplement and bolster our roster. Many successful mid-majors have made a living off of bounce-back types. Webster-Chan would be a huge pickup considering he has athletic ability (from his Hungtinton prep highlights on youtube), excellent length, and shooting prowess to do well in our conference. How great would it be to get a high major recruit for three years to bolster our backcourt.

  3. Hope Webster-Chan and the Team like what they see, and Gib/Ben Jay can agree on the Extension;
    which pushes through the difficulties of the first three years –nobody said it would be ʻeasyʻ;
    there ʻhave to beʻ follow-on years of reaping after the last three years of hard-work in sowing…

    Negus may be an example of the type of recruit who might consider what condition the program will be in, and whether his chosen coach will be there when he is eligible to play (or at least competing recruiters would try to flag or raise fear/concern in)….

    Tougher Choice and Path the NCAA has laid, but all transfers between D-1 programs (Christian, Jace realized) and redshirt freshmen (Caleb and Airon we should see and maybe Negus could have utilized before, but now as a redshirt sophomore can) work hard to the benefit of the developing program and their improving abilities and progression in school…

  4. I like the fact that Gib Arnold is going full bore. Get the athletic scorers to shore up the MBB program for years to come. Correct, Ben Jay, If Gib lands a couple of good perimeter players to complement the returnees and produce a winning team and NIT, NCAA bound team, Ben get that extension year for Gib. Would impress and be a reassurance for incoming recruits if they know Gib will be here for 2 or 3 more years!

    Gib, Brandyn and staff, go after more PG’s and SG’s for this year, that can spell Spearman and Shamburger. Or if available extra scholies, even another Wing/SF who can create and score!

    Go Gib!
    Get the best who match Chemistry of Team, and the Great Character added to Great Athleticsim!
    Go Warriors!
    With Webster-Chan, shows recruiting philosophy, go after decommits, or DI transfers, hopefully, Gib can re recruit some decommits , where, they didn’t sign LOI and verbal only committed, then Gib go in and bring them to paradise(UH hoops MBB paradise that is!)
    Next year with an additional, two good scoring , and ball handling guards, team will , or can be exciting and win a lot of games!!


  5. Hope we can also get the two mt. Sac guards as we need immediate help.

  6. Having Webster-Chan interested in our program is great. However, am bothered by previous comments speculating by name, who may be or should be leaving the program and for what reasons. Really believe in the sancity of coach and player relationships. Agree that most on this board are for the program to move forward. It is always disconcerning when we talk of players as if they were inanimate things rather than people, if we consider people as our greatest resource for success. As Coach Pitino advised his son, you can be a great coach but won’t find success w/o great players. This is the dilemna for Coach. He recruited current players and evaluated their talents. Do current players have the potential to be great and can he motivate them to movitate themselves to the same cause. Whatever happens, happens…just saying, if the shoe were on your foot as a young player, is this the way you would like to be treated?

  7. tako:

    I shall not mention names about possible movement again. Apologies to team and yourself, as well as families. I cannot figure out how Gib offers, as many as 2 or 3 scholies, if none available. You are right , let Gib, and his possible extension of one year is on the line , as AD, looks at APR as well as who the recruits are that can upgrade this year’s team. It must be a magic formula, I don’t know how Gib is going to do it. Possibly by April 17th to May 15th we will know!

    Personally, I would like Gib to keep ALL of the players, albeit, walkons, academic scholaship grad students, scholarship agreements, LOI players, have the full 13 scholarships filled with good student athletes and high character guys. Plus walkons, and academic grant scholarship for grad students, so possible 17 on MBB roster for next year. That would be a number like the Dukes, North Carolinas, etc. they have 15 on the bench, and perhaps 2 or 3 on RS.

    However Gib, and he is the boss, he is the paid professional, let him get the job done, and we will all be happy, the athletes, the fans, the University, etc.

    Hey, enjoy your posts as well!. Basically all the kids are good guys, if they do transfer, go pro, or graduate and move on to business world, they will be successful, and Gib and UH has done a great job in helping the guys, finish school strong, and help them move on , if that is agreed by Team, coach, player and families.

    Go Gib, do what you have to. We just want the team to WIN and be happy doing so.

    tako, take care, and thanks for the moderation, I appreciate it, I do get excited about the prospects coming in, and got overly excited about the guys possibly staying or leaving. Too much melodrama,, in past 3 years, so we all get flustered somewhat, Wish the best to the remaining 13 in the MBB program . Well represent Hawaii and MBB team!!


  8. I really like the type of players Gib’s been going after. Aside from the haphazardly put together roster with the likes of Trevor Wiseman, Bobby Miles and Bo Barnes, etc…, the kids that Gib’s been going after recently have promise. This guy seems to be the real deal considering who was recruiting him last year. Good probability that he wants to play. Hawaii would definitely provide him that opportunity. I’ve never seen him play, but his pedigree preceeds himself. Gotta check youtube now. Manroop, help us out.

    Aside from the weather, the promise of playing time, family, etc… I wonder if Gib tells these kids that it doesn’t really matter now if players play for a big university with all the parity in college bball. Also TV coverage isn’t an issue. Scouts will find the talent no matter what. Let’s go UH MBB. All the naysayers who will say, “he must be a bust because he wants out of Missouri”, or I know of friends that will say, “If he’s considering UH, he must not be that good or he must be in trouble”.who would you rather recruit?

  9. tako:

    P.S. what gave little insight for myself, and some others, the video interviews with Dayton asking great questions. Where in the athletes academic life is he currently. Grad student returning for senior year or other? Asking on video , what guys are doing to get better for next year? What was stated plans of incoming recruits, etc. So, even if don’t mention names, it is on record, what the guys might and might not do. It is pure speculation, however if it does come true, the guys pursue their dreams, that is fine, it is in their best interests, and their Ohana, and the University. I have no malice against the guys. Been supporting them at SSC too.!

    Look forward to April 17th to May 15th, and you keep an eye on what happens too, tako, should be exciting!


  10. tako: I hope all the BB athletes finish spring semester with high GPA. That is the key, scholarships, or families paying for their education, is not cheap, very expensive, so hope the guys keep academics first and foremost For that reason, I congratulate, academic recognition for Davis Rozitis last year, and the Awards Banquet, Hauns Brereton receiving the Academic Award. Great job in the classroom guys!


  11. jjay: I wholeheartedly agree. Gib has to, just has to, no if and or buts, bring in a great PG and SG. Guards who can score from 3 line, FT line, and at the rim. With great, great athleticism. That is the need for 2013-14, not one more year down the line. If Webster Chan, comes here and there is an extra 3rd scholie, or he walks on (which I doubt)great! However, the team needs great guards to augment, Spearman, Shamburger, with Q Smith, Nevels or Allen, would make backcourt that much deeper and lethal with the great forwards in Fotu and Standhardinger.

    On recent recruiting update with coach Akana, he mentioned several more guys coming for visits over the next few weeks, so we might be talking about 4 or 5 visiting during the April recruiting period and LOI time. And without a doubt, Gib, you have to get the good guards , 2 if possible for THIS year not next, THIS YEAR, to be competitive, unless the returnees up their games by 200%.!!

    Possible too, the decommits, the ones who verballed and coach left or was fired from good DI schools, and the guy never signed a LOI, Gib and Akana, I am sure are looking to bring in those guys who could help and most importantly fit UH MBB chemistry team.,

    Get 2 more great guards for this year Gib!! Will make your team solid for 2013-14. !:D

  12. tako: of course, Dayton could interview all 13 guys to see if they are definitely coming back for 2013-14 right? That is pure journalism.


  13. gib may not be here next season to coach negus….he seems to have the athleticism size and shooting that we need but come 6’6-6’7 and laying the ball in on fast breaks?

  14. Just think what a dynamic back court tandem—the likes of Alika Smith and Anthony Carter—would do to this program. We gotta get them if we want to dance.

  15. Tako, you are the most sensible person today. Thank you. I don’t want to many any comments for awhile. Let’s see what happens. Respect the coaches and respect the players who are trying to work hard, both to improve the basketball program and their academics. All I know is that UH basketball has a long way to go to get to the top of the conference.

  16. Tako, well said. The other day, on another forum, I snapped at a fellow poster for that very reason.

  17. Coach just needs to sign Negus Webster-Chan. That’s okay if Coach don’t pan out and BenJ looks for a replacement.

    Negus probably could play very very well for Coach or his replacement. Gotta sell Hawaii, UH’s campus and the family atmosphere.

  18. Nergus you are what you make yourself to be. It doesn’t matter who the coach is, you’ll do fine @ the University of Hawaii. If your having to rely on a Coach to be the top man on the team, I wouldn’t know what to tell yah, to tell you the truth.

    So sign on with Coach, study and practice to your fullest. You’ll reap the rewards of what you do for yourself

  19. Pocho: YOU are the Most Sensible one on the message board today, hands down. Pocho, my dad UHF, myself hoops, eagle, clyde, n2joy, al, have been posting from the beginnig, even when Nash was in his last year. We are die hards, want the program to be like the Fab Five, Tom Henderson, AC, and Savo led team days. Those were some great teams with sold out attendance. Our family , all that attended UH Manoa, played sports, it is rough. Nothing but respect for the young men and women. Study, community, service, staying out of trouble, and especially academics. Not all , if any of the UH MBB team will be 15 year veterans of Pro BB somewhere in the world. The reality, get the degree, have good contacts, good work place and career, and enjoy life. Especially when you are successful, GIVE BACK to UH. …The most classy UH MBB player that ever played at Manoa. Mr Anthony Carter, he monetarily out of own pocket gave in the neighborhood of $50,000.00 specifically for the MBB program. That is what we want our current UH MBB players to do if successful in whatever post UH endeavor. Too much take, entitlement, not enough hard work and giving back. More happiness in taking then giving is life of some people, or maybe majority in world today.

    So , Walkons:(sorry Tako, I gotta mention names)Dyrbe Enos, and Michael Harper especially, appreciate the support of your loving families, and your working as hard in class and on the court as currently non MBB scholarship players, I wish you many good years with the team ,until you graduate.

    International Guys: Christian, Isaac, Manroop, Vander, Michael( a second shout out to!), Brandon J., Davis, and Ozren, I give a special shout out and aloha to you and especially your families, for making the sacrifice in having you be so far away from home. I know when attended college, would always try to make students from overseas feel comfortable, part of ohana.

    USA mainland guys: Hauns, Jefferson, Spearman, Jawato(double shout out), Aaron Valdes, Keith Shamburger, and Caleb Dressler, thank you and your families, for allowing you to be a part of UH MBB.

    All 16 of you who were part of UH MBB team as active or RS squad, much aloha, and great success next season and when you all graduate from UH.

    To Gib, do the best you can brother. Bring UH back to the glory days, of the Fab, Henderson, Ruffin, AC and Savo days. I sincerely hope Ben Jay will extend your contract one more year, so the recruits are assured continuity. At least you have brought about huge interest in UH MBB, after a half dozen or more years of mediocrity. If Ben says enough is enough, well, sincere best wishes to you and your family whatever you choose to do. However, I am on your side, from the beginning, to establish a program with freshmen, augmented by DI transfers and good JC players, takes at least 4 years. I hope Ben gives you the extension

    And to those that don’t post, or don’t care, wait and see, fans, that is your choice and I appreciate it., I will see you all at SSC sometime. I love the UH hoops. My hope is that all 13 returnees, 11 scholarship and 2 walkons, along with early signees 2, Thomas and Jovanovich, as well as potentially 2 more transfers, are all part of the team next season. so that would make a total of 17 as part of UH MBB ohana, that would make a record, you know why, the young guys like Hawaii, the environment, the fans, the coaches and the lifestyle.

    Shout out to the Sensational 17 for next season. I hope ALL OF YOU GUYS ARE STILL HERE next season. I was just doing a WHAT IF scenario. We as fans don’t know, no harm in guessing, and the players, the Ballers on MBB team, are probably laughing their heads off, I know, they are great friends and people.!!

    Go get em Gib.. and have a great life. Hope UH MBB team is a good one next season, only way to go is up, right gang!!


  20. AND jjay, you sensible one, bottom line guy, objective and REAL, GIB HAS TO BRING IN TWO GREAT JC GUARDS or DI de commit, THIS YEAR, not next, THIS YEAR, right fans? At least a Q Smith or Corey Allen or another AC Carter type, they are out there,UH and Brandyn Akana has to get a good one or two who will FIT team and REMAIN for several years!

    jjay, you sensible one. Gib gotta get two this year, this year, this year…!!


    P.S. I am just very excited at prospect of Gib improving the team with better guards for the upcoming season, too much ho hum on the board sometimes.

    And most importantly, so you know I am grounded…Hunter be healthy and back watching the team workout, and eagle take care brother, I have a young body, but heart problem(valve)too, so I literally feel your pain!!

    Go UH!


  21. I wish the team the best! As always I hope Gib gets the players for this season to take UH to greater heights. Mahalo to all the forum posters, great comments.

    Just to validate what hoops was guessing about roster: Check out Brian Mcinnis’ latest online Star Advertiser blog as of this afternoon April 12 2013. It seems to fall in line with what fans have been speculating about on at least three message boards. We shall see, how it all plays out by May, maybe all the way through Aug 2013, as was the case with AV.

    Go Warriors!
    UHF. Mahalo Dayton, WI, good health to Hunter and Sir Eagle, UH fans supreme!

  22. UH recruiting and possible———– ? Link to Brian Mcinnis Tweets


  23. playhoopsa: I sense your passion and enthusiasm for UH basketball, but I think you should refrain from posting a link to the “competition,” if for no other reason than it’s not fair to the sponsors of this web site. Just saying …

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