Warrior Insider

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Electricians Hawaii wins Summer League championship

Electricians Hawaii went undefeated in the regular season of the Hawai’i College Basketball Summer League with a combination of tenacious defense and balanced scoring.

The championship game of the league playoffs was no different, and Electricians Hawaii capped its impressive season with a 75-68 victory over Wealth Strategy Partners on Saturday night at Maryknoll School.

Electricians Hawaii – coached by former University of Hawai’i guard and current television/radio commentator Artie Wilson – finished the season with a 12-0 record. They held opponents to less than 90 points in 10 of those 12 victories in what is usually considered a high-scoring league.


Former Chaminade forward Rickey Clayborne scored 18 points to lead the Electricians Hawaii offense. Kona Makaula (Academy of the Pacific graduate) added 15 points, and former UH-Hilo guard Aukai Wong added 15 points, 13 rebounds and five assists.

Wong handled point guard duties for much of the game, as Electricians Hawaii played without two key players in Derrick Low (departed for professional basketball in Europe) and current UH guard Dyrbe Enos (injured).

Electricians Hawaii stayed in front for most of the game, but Wealth Strategy Partners cut a 12-point deficit down to three in the closing minutes.

Former UH standout Julian Sensley hit three consecutive 3-pointers late in the game to make it close for Wealth Strategy Partners. Sensley finished with 27 points, 10 rebounds and six assists.

Rashaun Broadus (Mililani / Brigham Young) added 16 points and six rebounds for Wealth Strategy, which finished with a 6-7 record.

It is interesting to note that Electricians Hawaii finished with a 12-0 record, and each of the other five teams in the Summer League finished with a record below .500.

No current UH players participated in the Summer League playoffs.

Former Chaminade forward Leon Ballard of Clark Hatch Fitness, and U.S. Army veteran Chris Summers of National Fire Protection Co. were named the league’s co-Outstanding Players. Summers is looking to join the UH basketball team as a walk-on player.

CLICK HERE to view more video coverage of the Summer League

Championship Game
Electricians Hawaii 75, Wealth Strategy Partners 68. Scoring: EH—
Rickey Clayborne 18, Aukai Wong 15, Kona Makaula 15, Oscar Pedroso 13, James Davis 7, Leif Rodney 5, Patrick Matthews 2, Drew Viena 0, Drew Uchiyama 0. WSP—Julian Sensley 27, Rashaun Broadus 16, Derrick Gordon 7, William Broadus 6, Desmond Tautofi 5, Keola Stitzel 3, Dean Viena 2, Kamalu Umu 2.


  1. NICE Late Effort by Julian to make a game of it…

    Agree with WInsiders who Question WHY Chris Summers is NOT Already Enrolled @ UHM
    AND Taking Advantage of Second Summer Session And Summer TEAM Workouts…

    Hope Eran and The Coaches’ “SYSTEM” and Intensity are Key Factors in Driving High Levels of Intense, Focused and Effective Play, to Help Players Not Have “Invisible Halves”
    But Instead, That ‘Easy’ In-System Baskets Energize An AV or Janks
    As it Might Have Also Pulled a Julian Sensley into 40 Minutes of Focused Play…

  2. While I appreciate WI continuing to cover the Summer League even after all of the current UH players stopped participating, I would like to see a focused story on why all those guys disappeared. Clearly they turned their attention to other priorities, either at Coach Ganot’s urging or with Coach Ganot’s blessing. Either way this has implications for the Summer League, which attracts more public interest and media coverage when active UH players are putting up big numbers in games. It also has implications for UH fan support and recruiting, since media coverage of UH players in the Summer League helps keep the UH program visible during the off-season. I think there may be an opportunity here for either WI or the SA to report some meaningful behind-the-scenes news, and hope one or the other chooses to pursue it.

  3. The 12-0 season by Artie’s team must be a record ?

    Eran had a favorable attitude toward the Summer League in an interview awhile ago on the radio. He said people put hard work into putting the league together.

    Anyone hear whether Sai and Sheriff ( if he is coming) have come to Hawaii yet ?

  4. Unnecessary drama If the players are already working hard on campus with their summer workouts and don’t want to risk injury which is highly likely as there are no UH trainers on hand to tape ankles and treat injuries. This does not affect recruiting or fan support. It’s nice to see them if they come. If they don’t come don’t crucify them. Gimme a break. Over reacting. Plenty of time for media to promote the program three months till we see them at Stan Sheriff. Go Warriors!

  5. Re: Summer League.Just my take, but I believe Ganot left it up to the players if they wanted to participate. Bobbitt and Jankovic chose not to play. Midway through the season, Niko suffered an injury. After that game, neither he nor Jovanovich returned. The final blow came when Quincy injured his finger a few weeks ago. After that, Thomas and Valdes also stopped playing. Then, Dyrbe suffered an injury and he stopped suiting up, although he continued to attend games and support his team.
    Pure and simple, the players decided not to risk further injury and/or were cautioned by Ganot. Either way, no conspiracy theory.

  6. If the UH players feel that they don’t need the Summer League to practice they should not participate. As long as you don’t get bored playing by yourself or the same teammates that’s perfectly ok. And I can understand players concern for injury. But what about the rest of the guys playing. Derrick Low and Julian Sensley are pro players and they played when time permitted. The Manoa Summer League was created to fill a gap during the off-season so players can continue playing and improving their game. Injuries can happen to anyone. But remember, the Summer League is basically a pick-up league. Go easy in those games and save yourselves for the real games. That should cut down on injuries.

  7. islandman:

    Think that Sai, Sheriff and Jack Purchase, maybe coming in late, for fall registration/ enrollment, this is what I got from UH Manoa site. Know that past MBB guys, late gets, could enroll up until that first or second day of Sept. or even get waiver, from Paterson, ? I think..

    When you honestly think about it…. New HC, young guy, new experience, the UH system and protocol, the New staff, the returnees adjusting to New system and coaches, the 3 new guys, possibly 2 more Walkons.. and you are right, summers, has to make decision soon. either enroll or not.. Wonder is Summers is waiting for offer from UH Hilo, Chaminade HPU or BYUH? maybe, if they offer him Full ride..?

    So, ultimately.. everything So New.. even for returning guys.. It is a Re Bulid year.. anything.. if UH MBB has winning record, that is a Positive.. they go to NIT, NCAA.. and this time I think they might have backing, I would believe, to CIT or CBI..anything over .500 overall record or beyond would be gravy.. Eran, this is first year.. so expectations are Not high for him.. though the returnees , definitely, since possibly several guys will grad soon..or on schedule too.. This is Their Year.. try to go dancing.. I hope they do.. great guys..

  8. islandman: Sorry , here is the info from Manoa site fall registration for new students and late …enrollment..

    Registration Assignments for Incoming UH Manoa Students Only
    (Newly Accepted, Re-admitted and Transfer)
    and All Unclassified UH Manoa Students
    Fall 2015: August 12 to 13, 2015

    If you register during the Late Registration period (August 24 to September 2),

  9. Also: UH Manoa starts the

    No Manoa Registration Activity from July 25 to August 16

    Registration Activities Resume on August 17

  10. Injuries Always a Risk, Even in Hard Ptactices, Even Wth Trainers

    Priority (Now) is Probably on “Learning” The New Systems
    By Learning, that means Repetition and Practice Together And On Your Own
    Until it becomes Natural, Second Nature….

    Summer League as noted above
    Gives Players a Chance to Practice, even Perfect, New or Improving Skills

    Just Make Smart, Conscious Choices…

    Go ‘Bows!


    Open GYM Videos…

    “New” Player Interviews…

    Returning Player Reviews…

    ALL the Stuff of a Great Site
    (Belated Mahalo to Tribe VX4)

  11. Don’t take my comments wrong. I’m not saying the active players should participate in Summer League if they don’t want to. I just think it’s interesting that at the beginning of the summer we were told that they all planned to play, and by the end none of them were playing. I think there’s a story behind that. Maybe they just decided not to risk injury. Maybe they were worn out because Ganot has them training harder than last summer. Maybe their new coach advised them not to play. I don’t think there’s some conspiracy, I’m just curious as to the real reasons. Isn’t that the kind of “inside” news that we come to WI to read?

  12. HawaiiMongoose:

    When UH guys started to really heat up that NCAA summer league back in 1978 summer, I think Larry Little’s second year as HC, you are right.. Thomas Louden, little Joe Frazier, Aaron Hines, Aaron Strayhorn, Eric Bowman, Robert Smith, Brad Pineau, we all went down to Klum, or wherever they were playing to watch the UH guys.. when they had Andre Morgan, what a talent.. that was something.. Tony Webster going off for 63 points.. etc.. Pre that NCAA summer league, some guys before enrolling at UH, played in summer that Armed Forces league, with Mikilua, Hickam Flyers, SubPac, Jolly Roger.. UH guys were on some teams. and lit it up..

    Rod Bobbitt, with that still recovering Broken arm.. am sure that he wants that arm to heal up 100 per cent..

    Without the current UH guys. yeah.. kind of dead the action..in league.. the NCAA summer league or Now the College Summer league at Manoa gym.. that is where we got Preview of UH guys.

    Only new guys. I think.. Jack Purchase, Sai T., and Sheriff D.,, all coming to UH a little late, or soon.
    current guys.. yes, that injury thing.. If a few Key guys go down.. remember past 5 years? One or two key guys went down.. cost UH a chance for regular season title run and possibly NCAA or NIT. appearances I think..

    Another story? Up to top man Warrior Insider Dayton Morinaga.. Notice. ALL MEDIA.. very silent on MBB so far , other than reading at the schools and summer BB camps..
    nice to see interviews of Purchase, Canda and Sheriff.. we shall see HawaiiMongoose..

    Slow period for MBB news..

  13. HawaiiMongoose, I am not sure if you saw the comment from Aaron Valdes family last week but they answered a question to why he stopped playing Summer League. Here is what they wrote:

    “Aaron is good. Practices and workouts are a lot more intense it seems and the guys are also helping with the clinic this week. They all have a lot on their plate this summer. We are all looking forward to the upcoming season.”

  14. Thank you ChuckCheese, I missed that comment.

  15. The NCAA summer league is more for recreation than to keep guys in shape. There are only a handful of players besides the UH players who are either still playing in college or professionally. There are a handful of guys in the league who didn’t even play at the college level.

  16. Derek Low and some others that play in Europe also didn’t participate in playoffs, they left the island to go back for coming season .


    UH MBB team has enough on their plate, new staff, new system, school and intense workouts. They run open gym. Q had injured finger, Dyrbe got hurt, etc.
    Jay Goo can let Eran know, heck Eran was here before.. no sense, with a very small , 10 or 11 guards and walkons, and ONLY two guys about 6’7″ and two non traditional 6’11” guys, more concerned if Mike, or Stef , Janks or if he were here, good thing he is not, Sai, went down.. Aaron V. , and I am sure, it would be concern for Eran, and even AV’s family, if Aaron had to play the 4 or 5, and guard the Big guys from Irvine and LBSU, or CSUN..

    Very similar to last year..Know many don’t like the POINT OF REFERENCE.. however, cannot, escape it.. BT did fantastic job, just getting the guys to go Warrior All out, and had chance to dance in NCAA’s, the best job of coaching by ONE YEAR interim, HC at UH MBB in UH history.. great job.

    BT, frenzy ball, and BT did not run long practices, or hard practices.. to save guys. so they could finish strong in BWC tourney.. and HELLO.. They did.. Mahalo BT.. heck.. We cannot, and Eran Ganot cannot escape the past 5 years of MBB lineage, without whom, the about 10 or 11 guys from last year, form core of This year’s team..
    Mahalo Benjy !

  18. Here we go again with this guy living in the past.

  19. PONO: HISTORY, and MBB impact by ALL Previous MBB coaches, from Al, to Red, to Bruce, Frank and to Benjy, How can you deny that? A lot of former UH MBB athletes are still in Hawaii, and former Coaches too.. How can you deny the past? Even recent? You, my friend are not being a realist, .. it is like going through life with Blinders, a real UH company guy.. no matter what.

    Red was one that was kicked to the ground, the curb, horribly.. however, his Fab Five team created the interest in MBB that we now enjoy or try to.

    Even, SA, BM, and WI recognize past student athletes, and the MBB program what has transpired..you bet that Dayton will have Full coverage, of ncaa hearings and litigation.. because it affects MBB AND All of UH Athletics..

    You have to be living in Real Time, just like Hurricane Hilda, are you going to just ignore it? Because it does not hit where you are living? It affects a lot of people you know and the state of Hawaii.

    Recognizing the POSITIVE past, what Benjy did and Gib with the reading and culture of Hawaii appreciation, plus getting the great athletes we have now with MBB.. THAT my friend.. and fellow UH fan.. is REAL.. it does not go away..
    And you notice.. I AM HILITING the Positive of what those two previous UH MBB coaches did..
    Stay Positive my friend..

    Hey, If Eran can lead team to BWC tourney title, I am casting my personal vote for him as HC of the year. and national recognition.. I love and support the team, Why? Because, they, not us, PONO.. had to endure so much turmoil..they deserve better. and they will get justice soon.

  20. This is just speculation: But Summers did not play basketball in high school, and I speculate the reason may be academics.

    That would explain some things. But it’s not important to me.

    I think he should talk with some people, like new UH assistant Chris Acker. That guy can give Summers a lot of guidance, whether to go Div. II or UH, and the value of a diploma in securing future basketball-related employment.

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