Warrior Insider

The Inside Source for Hawaii Men's Basketball

Benjy Taylor interview, Part II


Prior to this past season as the head coach of the University of Hawai’i basketball team, Benjy Taylor spent four years before that as the associate head coach of the Warriors. In short, he has five years of experience with a program that is as unique as its isolation from the other NCAA Division I programs.

“I think I know UH, I know the personnel, I know what it takes to win here,” Taylor said in Part II of a video interview with WarriorInsider.com. “Just because we had a good year this year, doesn’t mean we’re going to have a good year next year. We have to get better in a lot of different areas. I know where those areas are.”

Taylor is hoping to parlay that experience into an extension of his stay at the helm of the Warriors. After a 22-13 record during a tumultuous 2014-15 season, the position of head coach was opened last week.

Taylor said he has applied for the position, and will continue to conduct daily business as the head coach of the team.

“I look forward to going through the process,” he said. “And I hope it’s a fair process and that it stays on the things that are important, and what’s important to these young men and moving in the right direction.”

Taylor said he and his staff are continuing to recruit players for the future.

“We’re on it,” he said. “We’re planning for the future and we need to get some quality student-athletes here.”


  1. Matin…get off on right..pono start as AD..Hire Benjy Taylor as head coach…makes a whole state of Hawaii so happy!!
    Just do it…right thing to do..Benjy dserves it..and team will be united!!

  2. AD Matlin…Benjy this is his house built with great young mem.
    you saw reaction of fans to team and benjy at DHC…
    he is the real deal
    22 wins….all the injinjuries and negative nancies saying benjy and bows would flop..no
    they rose and captured hearts of all o Hawaii…
    pono…do the right fair thing..hire benjy
    he has huge backing
    and equal chance…

    Hire benjy keep recruiting going
    benjy sign 3 ggod athletes right fit
    shooters rebounders
    SSC will be rocking
    then schedule china national team for exhibition in summer!!
    Dave just get it done…so benjy can finalizw recruiting

    We paying you good salary!!

  3. Pono pono pono….Benjy Benjy Benjy…lolo lolo lolo

  4. The way playing out. If AD really let interview process be fair, interview tomorrow Benjy first , he can tell Dave what went down and how team bought in. Challenge when Fotu suspended indefinitely and went pro, Benjy able to adapt . Small ball they beat Pitt. DHC janks eligible , UH more firepower good DHC run.
    Injuries make sure jayson goo rehab guys, mix and match , team still competitive.
    Dave would know this, he want more?ask athletes how team did under benjy. They be honest.
    benjy huge advantage over smith, rigot, ganot, and handy…4 months on job going to pick up his Hugh Durham Mid Season Mid Major coach of the year award at final four ceremonies.

    Don’t think any of the dozens of candidates receiving coaching award..

    If Dave Matlin cannot see giving benjy job…if it is internal…matter he or team guilty of ..why make him apply?
    Me thinks..benjy unless he does not want it..so sincere..and his staff..still going to try lock up recruits and have guys in good academic standing.
    good point
    would team want 3rd coach 3rd system in less than 6 montjmonth time?

    I would see benjy in next week being announced as next mbb head coach!!
    Aurite…too many positives..for first act..win win for Dave Matlin hiring Benjy!
    Benjy and the Bows see you start of 2015-16 season!!

  5. Rules are made to be broken. So the administration finally wised up to cut the deadline for new basketball coach. It’s funny how this world works: the powers-to-be can change and bend rules, but you an individual can’t, even if it’s justified. So if you just don’t quite have the necessary years of experience, you don’t qualify. Or if you have only 4% down payment—sorry you need 5%. Why I know of people getting hired at UH right out of college with zero experience. How they do dat? On the other hand the janitor’s position require 1 year experience. And they actually have a job title called Compliance Officer. His job is to shoot the toes that rock the boat. Why don’t they just name the coach tomorrow and give the new basketball coach a few days more of recruiting. You already broke your deadline?

  6. servante like myself for four decades servant of the state that same entity, that is why I post against the nonsense so much. After decades same old same.

    I really like Benjy., Remember from day one, when Jay let him be interim, then Hawaii News Now blasted his personal affairs,He took the high road, and said, Media, just let me be that is personal, and I know to handle it. Benjy is taking care of his 4 kids.

    Amazing, like politics, the personal and negative attacks, without question, when given Benjy the reins as interim, the Power that be, thought UH MBB would implode.. and team and Program would explode, instead, they bonded got stronger, and Benjy gained a lot of accolades, and true to the humility theme, he wants to keep as well as his team, take the high road, concentrate on school, getting better, and battling for wins, It Worked, Benjy and Bows had Awesome season despite the distractions and Adversity that NO DI coach in America could have handled without going crazy, Benjy for coming out clean , sane, and with a Team that loves each other, Hawaii the fans, and want to come back stronger under Benjy, though he wants them to be humble, so they say same mantra as Benjy, privilege to represent Hawaii, the University , the fans and 808 ,and they don’t make decisions on who would be next coach..Yet, Mike T, Aaron V. and Quincy’s elite, PG 6’6″ 24th best JC player in the land is a definite Committ to UH and Benjy.. All Benjy has to do, it would knock those Power Players on their butts, if Que or Brad up in Mainland can get a Shooter, and a Big that can dominate the boards, and block Mamadou.. What will Matlin say.. well, we don’t want an athletic, strong team, scoring a lot of points, it might be too exciting ball.,. we want to be gentlemen.. my da kine.. We want Rock and Roll, Basketball, benjy Ball.. Benjy has at least, 3 entities, to back him up, if anything discriminatory, or not up and up.. UH an Matlin, like dog and pony show. go interview, Handy, Rigot, Smith, and Boivard.. however, if Matlin doesn’t give Benjy the reward for hard work and season.. 10,000 plus and more will be very very upset.. MBB will lose interest, because, a NEW COACH will bring in NEW STAFF,and not Akamai of Pres and Chancellor BV, remember what they said early this year FOR BETTERMENT OF THE UH MBB STUDENT ATHLETES…. if so, and they are PONO.. really keeping to their word, HIRE for 3 years, a coach, who just won, and won and won, exciting ball, and made thousands of UH MBB fans, in 808 and around the country and the world.. word is out.. BENJY BALL.. Matlin.. just Hire Benjy already.. .. really becoming puppet show again servante I know, worked same dept. for four decades. it was much better simpler times, Now.. all the shibai.. Hire Benjy, just do the dang right thing and hire Benjy Matlin.. You will make the Whole State Happy, and You will Look Like a Genius.. the guy on the job for 4 months, no player in jail or suspended, team wins 22 games, in BWC championship game, a few minutes away from NCAA dance, and wins the Hugh Durham Coach of the Mid Season Mid Major Award.,.. to BE AWARDED.. and if Matlin is there, HE BETTER congratulate his NEW MBB coach, otherwise, real egg on the face, Make … A… moment..

    servante… why UH want to play the Game? the crazy one politics. not retain winning exciting brand of ball coach that his players buy into in 4 months, and make lots of fans and money for program, and want to bring in Flex Motion Ivy league assistant or WCC flex, passing game Australia rules. motion game., without the great lithe type athletes we have.. servante all I can say,… this OLD OLD MAKULE FAN.. auwe.. Doble AUWE.. !!

    Hire Benjy, get it done fast, and Dave Matlin and Chancellor, and Power , You Will Come Out Smelling like Roses. You don’t and pull a fast one, not to hire Benjy , some dunb reason, he doesn’t have a triple doctorate,… that would take the cake, and thousands of UH MBB fans will tear up their donation checks.,.HIRE BENJY.. Come on Matlin and Chancellor BV.. be heroes., if Benjy short in areas, talk to him, give him chance to address., don’t give him the shibai snide..sheets. Only at UH Manoa, sad, however make UH MBB fans GLAD.. just HIRE BENJY TAYLOR,, he will have winnining NIT NCAA teams for next 3 years at least.. and so critical to recruit those 3 guys waiting for April sigining date, They WANT to come to UH, not go to Fullerton ~~!!

  7. I think Benjy will get a fair shot to talk about his plans and what makes him the best candidate but I also think that there are some other very qualified coaches who have coached at UH and also understand the challenges they are going to face. I’d rather draw this process out and make a solid choice so we are in a good place for the next 5 years than to make a rushed decision to save one recruiting class.

  8. Pono, about time somebody coming to their senses. Thanks.

  9. Servante, hate to bring Politics into this but you should know Hawaii is a Blue State. If there’s a Political Party that changes rules on the fly and disregards more often then others it has to be… . Need I mention the Clinton’s? lol

    At the very least UH understands there’s a problem and are making moves quickly although maybe a lot us feel not quite quick enough.

  10. Lol. That’s right Pocho. Not a crazy enough site but you gotta bring in politics! Wow! You really do not want to get off on that tangent. No telling how many pages we would see from Runbows

  11. Right now on Bobby’s show, he heard, not sure, maybe 5 BWC coaches Might be interested in Hawaii job? Now, Good fans, that know Hawaii and the program, as opposed to what Benjy did , just a Miraculous job in 4 months , great season,
    Would Poly , Riverside, Davis, or any others be an upgrade? First of all would the Fit Into Hawaii, some Hawaii connection, so key.. Rigot, Smith, Handy, Ganot I see the connection, coached or played at UH. however, coaches that Benjy and Bows beat, and Davis Coach took him 2 out of 3, he is the BEST coach, along with Turner, wouldn’t you think they want to go Pac12, Big Ten, ACC or Butler, Wichita St, Gonzaga etc. I would..Facilities,a lot of BWC teams have better facilities, other thaan Santa Barbara has 6000 seat gym. Benjy better have his agent./attorney, maybe those other lobbyists, legal help, Action groups ready to help him, if hiring process is stacked against him,because of Who he is,, or background. That is not Fair.. around the country, the buzz, UH AD and Chancellor, selection committee, they have a coach in place, kamaaina for 5 years,. Now they want to bring in Another BWC coach as possible hire , from programs that have poor RPI, and in a conference RPI that Is not great. Step up and MOVE laterally? Insane.

    Okay, competition for Benjy, ex UH athlete with No NCAA DI experience, former Riley Assistant, coaching in WCC, career assistant, No DI coaching experience, Smith from power conference Ivy League, and Chaminade Bovaird, that hasn’t won Maui Classic in over 30 years.. the finalists pool is really weak, weak weak.. the STRONGEST CANDIDATE,.and he just matter of fact about it, being here 5 years, knows, it is NOT just that easy.. Hard Hard work, this group of guys, took 5 years. to put together a team of 16 initially who were athletic and got along,.New BWC coach comes in.. and He puts in his system.. will guys buy in… why selection committee,..Make THE TEAM.. yeah, pono, pupule, Derek, Horrrrssse, ..Make these hard working 13 returnees have to learn 3rd different system with 3rd different Head Coach, within 6 months.

    Selection Committee with Dave Matlin, Know you all want to hit a homerun with a gem out there.,..why work so hard, Benjy is that gem.. any gripes, or shortcomings, not ncaa violation type, when Benjy interviews, honestly tell him. and he will fix it, or has fixed it already.. this selection committee is Becoming a Big Joke.. search the nation… and end up picking the Man been here 5 years all along.. and the perfect fit,.. as Benjy says, the process , the vision has to be Fair, do they want not to much, urban athletes, athletic, street talkin guys, the way they dress speak. the background…then that is crossing the line.. back to days when Fab 5 boycotted BYU in 1970 RBC championship game, or attempted to.. Hey selection committee, ask every one same questions, and without prejudice, If IN YOUR MINDS.. you want to Upgrade or lateral movement, or you don’t like the face and faces of program..Not pono.. pilau..

    However, if good people on that committee, and poor Benjy making him jump through hoops, like dog and pony show,..yet he is humble,..keeps humble and will go through process,
    Benjy Taylor fills all the parameters of what you want,unless it is, Calapari, Coach K. , Wooden, Pitino, Boeheim, Larry Brown, etc..

    Hire Benjy Taylor, nice, humble hard working country boy from North Carolina, his assistants can help him with managing.. and Benjy Makes sure everything running well…Fair, Pono process. I am getting a bad feeling, the deck is stacked.. search committee wants ANYONE other than Papa Bear. that is pilau!!
    I hope Selection committee, compare body of work this year between Benjy and other applicants, fairly, and add Benjy’s Adversity and challenges Every single day.
    Benjy should be hired hands down.. if not… UH MBB and new AD going down the tubes.. Hire Benjy, through fair process.not prejudiced one, changing the requirements as interview goes on, , that is not good, honest, not Hawaii, not aloha, and Not PONO for sure.. HIre Benjy Taylor, UH Manoa, Power, Matlin, Chancellor. you all want to reward citizen, student , staff instructor for this past year? Hire Benjy Taylor, the best Resume..and think about it HE IS Still THE COACH RECRUITING GUYS FOR mbb

  12. Okay, that is enough playing with you Runbows. You start accusing people of racism then you need to get called out by others including Dayton. Be quiet or go take your mess. You are getting ridiculous already. Disgusting really.

  13. Take your meds!!!

  14. Come on now, let’s get real. There are going to be maybe 60-70 total applicants for the MBB job. And I would be surprised if anyone of them selected is a current BWC coach. That’s too many applicants to think who’s going to get the job. Maybe 20-25 out of that will be viable candidates, then Matlin will have to cut it down to 10, then 5, then maybe 2 or 3 and then select one. You think Taylor can get the job off of 1 good year this year. Matlin is not stupid, he has to look at the entire “BODY OF WORK”. Taylor’s record overall is a losing record, 89-112, and never higher than 5th in any conference standing and that’s including Hawaii. He got the “interim” coach this past season because he was the “senior” assistant coach under Arnold. If Senque was the senior assistant instead of Taylor, UH would have chosen Senque. So, Taylor did a good job this past season. Kudos to him and the staff and the team. But, let’s take emotion out of this, and use some good common sense. Some people can’t see the trees from the forest. We are talking about OUR program, OUR university, OUR community, OUR state, not Benjy Taylor. This is madness. Pupule, you are right too. It’s disgusting.

    I will trust that Dave Matlin will give good thought to his selection. It will be his decision. The chancellor knows nothing about athletics, and what to look for in a good coach. He will rubber stamp Matlin’s selection. If Matlin selects Taylor because of what he did for 1 year as a Head Man here, then I think he’s a little short sighted. Me, I would take the longer view. Remember, ‘ENTIRE BODY OF WORK’. LOL.

  15. I hope it’s Matlin’s decision. Last time, apparently former AD Jim D had one coach in mind, but was told to pick another. Also, he had a football coach he liked, but was told to pick another. Sometimes it could work out, but those times it looks like it didn’t.

  16. Yes, if you have seen 6’9″ Tyler McDaniels around town, Benjy’s oldest son. Then 2 younger sons, and daughter 5 years old. Very nice children going to UH lab school.

    Benjy, synopsis: Took the helm of a rudderless ship. Personal attacks, from every which way. He kept silent, Real country gentleman. Benjy take care of his young children. He has Fun with the guys. The whole Team including 808 DE, believe they could be The Man, however with Benjy going small, D ball, really similar to what his Chicago St. team did against Hawaii at SSC years ago. Gave then a chance. Was that wise Move? without question, 5 guards with Aaron or Negus playing the 5 spot, kept them in, and helped them win games. Captains, Quincy Smith and Garrett Nevels can you question their heart and effort? Never, Quincy chronic Back problems, ankle, never gives up. had some high , pun intended , HIGH vert games, man Quincy Must Have 44 inch vertical for a 6’1″ PG.. and same with Nevels, for 6’2″ , he must have 42″ vert too.. they , those two, were playing the 4 and 5, just going into the painted area and getting big O and D rebounds..Bobbitt , stealing everything not locked down on basketball court, the basketball, one man wrecking crew, with Aaron;s Athleticism, he wanted to get into action too.. such quickness, and spot up 3 ball, Aaron has about The Best true 3 ball shooting form on team..Benjy need 3 ball lock down, knockdown shooters from mid to 3 line? Aaron and Negus, just keep on shooting, shoot thousands of shots during summer, plus both gain a little weight and strength.. you all will be ready. Even Bobbitt, with that funky set shot 3 ball shot, he get into near 40 per cent range, and knock down as a team, all 10 rotation guys, as a TEAM, knock down, near 80 percent, be one of nations leaders. in steals, rebounds, FG percentage, and 3 ball percentage, and Defensively holding teams down, national top ten team..UH will go far in NIT or NCAA.

    I believe, that selection team as Benjy alludes to, Are they thinking in Terms of Continuing success? or want a clean break and Start over again? so many forums, social media, and I have sent editorials, short storys, letters, emails to major networks, supporting and hailing the UH MBB team and what they have accomplished, do I agree with Corey Magette, ex HS All American, ex NBA all star, and now ESPN analyst, that Benjy has done great job, uptempo, despite negative distractions.. Selection Committee, you need outside view, opinion objective? Just ask Corey, Russel Turner, Jim Les, Jamie Dixon, Andy Katz, Neil Everett, Gary “The Glove ” Payton, who loved UH Benjy Ball and their defense, pretty sure.. Matlin think about the Team, the program moving forward, since, it is ready to do really, really well over next 4 or 5 years. and will attract even more athletic guys, hopefully freshman bigs and SF’s with Isaac Fleming talent.

    See, you can write a book, and I will and will get out article… under help of ghost writer, UH MBB 2015-15 as season to Remember.. and TWO POSSIBLE endings. gang. fans.. First.. Sadly, after Benjy picked up his Mid Season Mid Major Coach of the Year Award, then flew home to Hawaii to have great Final banquet with team.. not a dry eye in the house.. Benjy, could hardly bring himself to speak, thanked, UH, andministration of opportunity, encouraged all team, since they made a 3.0 GPA for spring semester, to do well with coach Jackson W. He wished aloha, and felt it was the best year of his life, then slowly with his 4 kids by his side, Benjy Taylor walked off into the Hawaiian sunset bound for job as Head Coach, at Maryland Eastern Shore(just fictional)..

    OR BETTER ENDING: Happily Benjy picked up his Hugh Durham Mid Season Mid Major coach of the year award, congratulated by Andy Katz personally, then Dave Matlin gave him a big hug, and said, Benjy, love you man, our selection committee felt we made the Right Choice Hawaii’s choice, you have sacrificed and gave your life to save MBB and with your potential 3 new guys signing later this month, UH MBB is back on the Map and getting better. Sorry, I apologize for past regime and chancellor, it took toooo darn long.. Welcome Coach Benjy Taylor Our New and Permanent hopefully for next 20 years, MBB coach.
    switch over to, April BB banquet, Benjy: what a great ride, I told the fellas, stay hungry , humble, calm, work , always give effort, , stay off of social media, don’t listen to the Negative Noise, they did that by their actions on the court 22 wins was great, Championship game with NCAA tournament on the line, great, however, now, with the returnees,and a additional couple of key shooters and bigs, we want the NIT/ NCAA deep runs.. That is what Rainbow Warrior Basketball is all about..
    Benjy, ! Benjy! Benjy!!, Benjy!! Hey Warrior Nation. We’ll be back better, and stronger, smarter and prouder.. returning guys, go get it, grind.. we going make the 808 proud for another 10 years, with championships, who knows.. even National Championships.. !! And Dave Matlin, Chancellor BV and I am happy that two UH MBB alumnus joined the selection committee, very objectively saw the body of work I tried to get done.. remember it is Not about Otto, Taylor Benjy Ball.. It IS FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE UH MBB PROGRAM And The Betterment of The Student Athletes !!

    That would be the best ending to events related to basketball MBB hiring.. for Benjy and the Bows.. I believe, he has to be given fair, shot, watch dog groups, old and young, casual fans, we ain’t stupid , we can see if cards are dealt fair, or the Deck is stacked, or the wheel, slot machine is rigged.. GIVE BENJY a platform to show his record over 4 months, and vision for next 4 years.. Then choose the best Woman or Man.. or a least retain Benjy or Que.. preferably it will not come down to that. Benjy will be permanent Head Coach, by Ige decree, and Que and entire staff and team and 3 new recruits all on board..

    My short story.. hey.. story sent to pundits nationally, will hear, bits and pieces, and puzzlement if Benjy Does Not get the job.. just alerting National media.. get ready for a Test. is it fair, non discrimmantory.. how many of color were MBB coaches Head Coaches for UH in past 50 years. not many..Men of color, whether,Asian, Polynesian, or Afro American.. should not matter at all, Not in Hawaii, and we won’t let That happen.. too obvious and UH would be in deep Kim Chee.

  17. Wow, it looks like Scott Rigot did not make many fans (or recruits) during his time at Kentucky. I did not know this until I saw this today:


    This article has legit points about how it says a lot when a assistant coach from a program like Kentucky can not get hired by any other major programs. You also have to wonder why Tubby Smith would not want him on his staff after he went to Minnesota and now Texas Tech.

    I don’t think I want to see Rigot back here after reading this and especially not as head coach.

  18. If they go on the win-loss record and he had to do it with the turmoil in the program, then Benjy should be given the contract. 22-13, first time in conference tournament championship game since 2002. But looks like they are looking at all things together such as administration, academics, discipline, compliance, etc.

  19. ChuckChees:

    sort of reminds me of the firing retiring of Red Rocha, remember at Basketball Banquet after Red’s Tom Henderson, and senior John Pennebacker led team won only 15 or 16 games, imagine a wining record,, however, Power, factions, felt time to relieve Red as coach. That season 1972-73 Hawaii Finished 15-11 official and 16-10 adjusted since Bo Lamar led Southwestern Lousiana had to forfeit win against UH.

    Felt horrible for Red.. very good man and coach, wanted to go another direction, they went with Bruce O’Neil, and well .. we know the story…
    Names popping up Scot Rigot, Phil Handy, Eran Ganot, and Kyle Smith, 2 of whom applied before.
    I am old and getting tired of it, old school, I am and some Makule fans on this forum…If I were CEO of company, and Major dept, the Manager was relieved of duties, I aked the assistant if he wanted to fill in for 4 months. He said sure, he would tyr best. That temp, interim, Assistant far exceeded the original Manager, the year was ending, and I had power to extend, promote that worker for Excellent work, company man, Old School, and Good Hearted Realistic school, I would make that person the permanent Manager and a nice bump in raise, what the other man was making or near it. why? Appreciation…. that is it, Chcuk.. whether Benjy made mistakes, none major, and his crew, his boys, 14 stuck together, and brought together an entire state, more so than WBB and Lauran B, whom I appreciate, however, Benjy took over from scratch and under microscope.. Benjy deserves, should be rewarded the job.. the Selection Committee, they think they are going to get an NCAA, NIT major run, retired, HC, or lateral move coach, who can recruit good athletic, love Hawaii basketball players in 3 months, time, or when recruiting time over, for the bigs..? I don’t thnk so..What Is Their Vision.. Too many cooks spoil the soup and that is what is happening.. if let Selection committee be MBB athletes from the fiftiex, sixties seventies, to the 2000’s, that would be fair.. Don’t know if ANY on Selection committee ever played DI basketball at UH? I don’t know

  20. Racist Runbows . Old man with nothing better to do with your time. And do not act like you are speaking for people of color, especially Hawaiians/Polynesians with your bs use of the Hawaiian language. You are a fraud with serious problems. Hope sponsors of this site realize the true nature of one of their primary supporters. No more letting you off the hook. No need your attitude in Hawaii.

  21. islandman:

    then have the cajones, to tell Benjy, NO APPLY.. you did not live up to expectations of MBB leader. Thanks but no thanks.. And Benjy would move on. By telling him go apply please,.., they are setting him up, as target practice.
    Someone on that Selection Committee better have heart of Gold.. there Are No Perfect HC candidates out there.
    How can Benjy clear up the matters, the discipline? Technicals.. really team matured, they did very well up to Championship game, Riverside thing, bet it is UH private protocol, and NO ONE, not even Benjy implicated that we know of.. and administrating, I guess practices, paperwork, with all ot the travel, and the practices, hotel rooms, budgets, etc.. The Program made it .. I believe they even made money for the MBB program, came close if not made their expenses.

    The Deck is Stacked Against Benjy.. it seems.. If I were him, get his lawyer, representative from Coaches of America, ,and National, Coaches of Ameirca organizations, to chime in for him.. With all of the Noise, the distractions.. typical, lousy, 21st century, down hill society.. we don’t look at the good, and the Good that Benjy Did FAR outweighs any shortcomings, he was NOT EVEN named as alleged wrongdoer in NCAA alleged infraction letter.

    Sheesh, I will battle for Benjy till the end. just like I did with Gib.. until proven otherwise.. too much upside.. Benjy has good point.. What is the Vision of this Selection Committee, whomever they go with,,, unless AC or Phil, and those two could ask to retain Que and Benjy.. something is Pilau again,. you watch, Dave Matlin, controlled by BV.. this thing can blow up again.. and MBB will be going down, down, dowwwwwn.. just do the right thing.. forgive, correct, help Benjy correct whatever, shortcomings, let him recruit, he in best position to lock in maybe 3 good JC guys. to keep this MBB program going. shoootss.. this is Not Duke or Norte Dame, or North Carolina, or Wisconsin? sheesh.. same old poo!

  22. Just to satisfy Runbows, Matlin will hire Phil Handy, or AC Carter, both with Hawaii ties and both black. how’s that! It’s absolutely ridiculous. It should be Matlin’s choice. In past situations, the AD was overridden by an influential booster who is a very big supporter with big pockets. I don’t want to name any names but people in the know, knows. He is a person well known in local circles and is very politically connected. He was also influential in hiring Chow and Arnold. To date, those hires have not resulted in any championships. We’re still chasing. If Tayloe is hired I predict we’ll still be chasing a championship. His record is mediocre. Let’s face it. It’s fact. This is Gib’s recruits. If anything we should be thanking him for recruiting some good players. And, Gib was in on Austin Pope since high school well before Taylor.

    Kudos who hired Laura Beeman. Kudos who hired Charlie Wade. Trapasso! Never mind.

  23. Quick question. Was Bob Nash haole? Must have been. Ridiculous site with dominating, racist, mentally challenged poster. No thanks. Dayton, Scmidt ohana and sponsors need to be aware of damage done to their brand by this out of hand bigot

  24. Anybody remember what Eran Ganot did when he was here at UH like which recruits he recruited? I think he was here for only a couple of years so I not sure what he can claim even though a lot of people seem to like him. I don’t remember too much about him so he must of been under the radar guy.

  25. As Derek pointed out, these are Gib’s recruits. Benjy did a great job bringing an “up tempo” game and keeping them together but he didn’t score a basket. Give the majority of credit to the players who did the work on the floor and pulled together. Long term, the AD has to decide who will recruit and deliver past this group of outstanding talent. He needs to look at everyone and hopefully he will find the right fit. I have no favorites in this race, just want exciting basketball against better opponents and to dominate the Big West (small order). Good luck to the new AD. Will be waiting to see what happens.

  26. Matlin very sure wants benjy…he saw what he did…
    you win 22 games …minutes away from ncaa tournament then you hire a guy with no ncaa wins under his belt
    too many, actually minority want eran, kyle smith , eric bovaird or phil handy..
    on hawaii news now and kitv…sports anchors pressing matlin about benjy’s chances…matlin deflect comment…he makes recommendation and Power, the linguistics mid englander dance teacher interim makes call
    so whomever pulling BV strings has final say
    really not right
    the other candidates were not independent coach of the year and mid season mid major coach of year…
    benjy was !!

    I wish benjy gets job..however he is up against powerful forces who hired Frank and Gib and Norm

    Benjy just keep lines open
    stupid politics at UH Manoa, me..completely lose intrest in football and if flex, passing game for 34 seconds and 16 wins a year with next coach hand picked by the Power brokers…they know nothing of loyalty, and rewarding benjy and team for putting uh mbb on national map with their defense

    So angry…know if it were stan sheriff or riley wallace as power…they would reward benjy and bows for 1000% effort

    We love you benjy keep fighting..maybe one power broke, have cajones..stand up for you…r will get selection person to hire you

    And team..have to unite behind benjy..he fought for you guys hard..
    gave his life!!

  27. I never read RBs pays because they are too long and he repeats the same thing over and over. I’m curious as to what he said that was racist.

  28. Benjy said he has 2 scholarships remaining. Who are the 11 on scholarship ?

    Also said he’s planning to bring in some potential recruits for visits the weekend of April 17, per McInnis blog.

  29. Oh, i think after Pope and a Big man, he has two left. Niko is on scholarship ?

    Valdes, Rod, Q, Thomas,Fleming,NWC,Janks, Stef; Pope, BigMan, Niko ?

  30. Scholarship players:
    1) Bobbitt
    2) Valdes
    3) Webster-Chan
    4) Fleming
    5) Smith
    6) Jankovic
    7) Jovanovic
    8) Thomas
    9) Pope-incoming
    10) Jawato’s spot
    11) Fotu’s spot
    12) Reyes’ spot
    13) Filipovich
    14) Enos-walk-on
    15) Buscher-walk-on

    I could be wrong.

  31. Thomas

    possible gave 1 year to Enos/Flippovich

    you can rule out Stepteau and Buscher as rs’s

    he had 3 to give from Nevels, Jawato and Reyes. One of those goes to Pope

    2 left

  32. Check the uh mbb verbal committs
    lists who is scholarship and not.

    One thing good , if any sanctions seems like lesser..maybe reduced scholarship, practice time, that is why team should stay together

    Think brocke is preferred too.

  33. Kind of like for mbb program and benjy’s sake , hurry make him head coach, or stongly hint So benjy can lock up guys that are definitely intersted..if benjy is coach..sheeesh..
    Wish selection committee and chancellor were all former uh mbb athletes!

  34. 14 on roster and with Stepteau and Buscher as rs’s, that equals to 12 players. Possible Enos/Flipovich are 1 year deals but I really don’t know. But that’s 12 scholarships for the year and 1 left in Coach’s pocket.

    Enos/Flipovich could have used the departing Fotu/Reyes scholarships with 1 still in coach’s pocket.

    Nevels/Jawato leaves program so that’s 2 plus the 1 in coach’s pocket for 3. Pope verbals so 3-1= 2 left

  35. Pocho terrific math, how about Fotu’s spot, per Derek ?

    RunBows; that verbal commits lists Niko as walk on, at one time ?

  36. islandman, Fotu’s spot? It doesn’t matter who took Fotu’s spot or Reyes spots

    14 on UHOfficial roster, – 2(Buscher/Stepteau) which =12 active players
    13 scholarships available so I assume Enos/Flipovich got at least a year deal and Coach has one in his pocket which covers the 13 scholarships.

    you got 1 in Coach’s pocket, Nevels/Jawato ended their careers which equals 3 to offer in which Pope has already committed although he can’t offically until LOI day. 2 left

  37. I’m thinking Stepteau/Buscher are preferred/invited walk-ons and not playing so.. .

    I could be wrong as to Enos, Buscher, Filipovich and Stepteau and guessed cause Enos/Filipovich were active players. hahahaha

  38. 13 scholarships per year for mbb.
    start of this season 16 guys on roster.
    fotu, sammis leave, jawato, nevels grad.=4 scholarships open

    Smith, Fleming, Thomas, Jankovich, Jovanovich, Valdes, Bobbitt, Negus Webster-Chan =8
    if pope signs = 1
    If another preferred earned one this year = 1
    Total = 10 used tentatively so far
    leaving the 3
    big, shooter, maybe transfer
    main thing, so simple
    expedite hire..benjy has several probably 4 guys waiting
    hire benjy uh mbb roster set for next 2 years at least
    sooooo slooow
    honu time..sheesh!

  39. really I think all 4 Enos, Stepteau, Buscher and Filipovich are prefered or invited walk-ons. Guess 2 out of the 4 had/have or has the scholarship for next year scholarship.

  40. pocho,9:09 pm; i got lost with Enos/Niko … one in pocket is better than two in the bush.

    runbows; i kind of follow yours and dereks.

  41. Simply put , with pope signing would leave 3 more available.
    know that we cannot even speculate because preferred walkons hoping to earn scholarship..
    AV earned one last year.

    Wish it were like WBB they have 15 full scholarships

  42. hahahaha, I confuse myself a lot of times.

    UHOffical site says 14 on roster. It doesn’t list Fotu or for that matter Reyes. 13 scholarships available so… .

    Pope has already committed as he can’t sign the LOI yet. And Coach says he has 2 still to give.

  43. Taylor says, he’s got the guard(supposedly Pope). He also wants a jc transfer to sit out a year to rs(I’m guessing a Big Man, since that’s a want) and wants a freshman sharp shooter ala Bo Barnes.

    he has 3 or had since he’s got Pope already lined up, the wants if a big man and a freshman sharp shooter(the remaining 2 scholarships right there)

    that’s how i interpreted what was written, lol

  44. and that is the reason I say 2 out of the 4 prefered/invitees, Enos, Stepteau, Filipovich, Buscher has, had or about to get next year.

    If memory serves me correct, I think I read Filipovich was rewarded a scholarship but you know it could be a year to year thing. IIRC, Gib rewarded one to Micheal Harper for a year, I think I even read Gib awarded it to the hardest working player that didn’t have a scholarship.

    oh boy, getting real old here but I know I not making that up and didn’t dream that in my sleep. hahahahaha

  45. We shall see soon if they hire Benjy soooon…then letter of intent day…if pope, fresman 3 ball shooter, and back to basket big sign soon sfter visit , if one more available …benjy will say holding that for D1 transfer like janks and nwc..

    The way benjy used 9 or 10 guys this year, even if reduced to 11 in future they will be okay with preferred athletes hopefully 6’7″ local high school type,

    Either way…they , the recruits HAVE TO KNOW COACH Recruiting them will be here next season
    hope all of our support, especially mover and shakers get benjy signed soon
    poor guy…the stress..he does not deserve that, nor his staff..or family

    TV station personalities making known support for benjy!!

  46. sure there could be up to 4 available. UHbb had at least 10 players on scholarship last year as only 14 player on the official roster. As far as I know Filipovich, Enos, Stepteau, Buscher were walk-ons.

    fotu and reyes left the program, that’s 2 plus as far as I remember Gib had one in his back pocket. That all equals to 13

    so, you add that all up. fotu, reyes, nevels, jawato plus the one in Gib’s back pocket which is now Taylors. That’s 5 and Taylor has pegged one for Pope that leaves 4 to offer to athletes.

    the key is what Taylor said in Brian’s article, NOTE*** “With his last two available scholarships”**** I take if for what he says, hahaha.

    Taylor also says, he feels good about his guard needs. This is where Brian alludes it to be Pope. then Taylor also says that with the “last 2” available scholarships he looking for a back to the basket Big Man and a Freshman sharpshooter ala Bo Barnes.

  47. He said he has two scholarships left meaning for a transfer and a shooter; meaning after Pope and a Bigman.

  48. Pocho …UH just has to sign benjy…we forget about returnees..they wondering too..have to have benjy as head coach to recruit guys he, que and autry working on landing.

    Think heard sports animals ask benjy 2 weeks ago how many scholarships to offer for next season

    He said looking for long lengthy shooting guard who can defend in half court
    And 6’10” 255 big play in paint

    Said wasn’t certain what ncaa sanctions would be
    so he was going hard on 2 signees and holding 2 just in case..so don’t over sign with no scholies to give

    Hmmmm, maybe now with response to ncaa due april 30
    maybe he has idea,,,why not just go for it
    I give credit to benjy, the team and family
    could be just red tape protocol

    Hope so
    benjy kamaaina now..hook em up reel em in !!

  49. Nevels and Jawato finishes their career and it leaves only 8 that are on scholarship that we know of.


    1) you have Enos, Filipovich, Buscher and Stepteau as invited walk-ons
    2) there’s 5 scholarships unaccounted for as far as we know
    3) Taylor states he’s has his guard in Pope(1 scholarship)
    4) Taylor states with his last 2 scholarship he wants a back to the basket Big Man and a freshmean sharp shooter ala Bo Barnes(2 scholarships)

    that’s 3 scholarships that Taylor says he has to give out. That is the reason I say 2 out of the 4 invited walk-ons have scholarships. And since Enos and Filipovich played I have assumed they had gotten at least a one year deal but for sure 2 out of those 4 will be on scholarship next season. For all of what I don’t know Filipovich and Stepteau are on scholarships.

  50. stressful time for mbb .hard to keep scorecard
    everyone scratching heads
    pope friend with MT, AV and Q…nice if they were friends with a 6’10” physical big willing to committ then wait and see

    We all wait…good news if april signing actuallt to may 15th?
    If 3 new Bows signed by benjy , then we all go hooray!!

  51. I took it as Taylor saying he wants a back to a basket big man(meaning he hasn’t gotten a commit for one yet), he wants a Bo Barnes type, he wants a jc transfer that can sit out a year, and he’s felt good about the needs of a guard(as we all know, it’s Pope).

    guess you could take that as 4 and the 8 we have coming back next year and that leaves 1 available. hahahahahaha

  52. Looks like a moderator wants me to stop posting.

  53. I think that is automated..anyways goodnight pocho!
    Go Bows
    And soon AD meet with coach,,,..that is good sign!!

  54. I reread the article. You are correct RunBows. Pope has one and 3 availble.

    Have a Good one

  55. RunsBows, so much fun last night. I was laughing to myself trying to go to sleep thinking about what I had thought, that “moderators” didn’t like my repetitive posts and not letting post a response. The “system” gave me a message that it found I was doing repetitive responses. I didn’t know it was an automated response by the “system” until you mentioned it. Then thinking you yourself must have gotten the same message at times. LOL

    but I bet there are others here who ran into the “system” li dat.

  56. oh, I had to agree with your findings on the amount of scholarships available after thinking long and hard about Filipovich. I know I read or heard the commentators saying Filipovich earned a scholarship(I’m thinking Tony or Artie).

  57. RB must get that message a lot since he posts non stop about hire Benjy…Sheesh….Hurry hire him…..we need a recruting class….make things pono….sheesh…..hurry hire benjy….sheeesh.

  58. Pono,
    it’s all Good! RunBows is only thinking the Best for the UofH bb program.

  59. Pocho, honestly I think he’s just thinking the best for himself and what he wants. I don’t think he ever steps back and looks at the big picture. First he is all about Gib and how he has done nothing wrong except get us hammered by the NCAA. Now he is all over Benjy. I’m not against Benjy but I’m all for going through a full process since it’s going to happen anyways. Mark Jackson did a good job with the GS warriors but they brought in someone else and look what Kerr has done with them. I’m just saying that evaluating all angles is not a bad thing. I’m all for freedom of speech but you must admit he’s rather repetitive and frankly seems like he’s spamming the webpage. When over 50% of the posts are from one person with the same topic it gets tiring which is why I don’t bother reading his posts.

  60. Talk about speedy hiring practices: Tennessee fired coach Donnie Tyndall on March 27 and will hire Rick Barnes today, March 31. Barnes had just resigned under pressure from Texas just two days ago.

    Tyndall was fired after only one year at Tennessee, due to his connection to forthcoming NCAA allegations during his tenure at Southern Miss.

    Even faster, Missisippi St. fired coach Rick Ray on March 21, then hired Ben Howland on March 23.


  61. Mark Jackson had some baggage, he didn’t get along with others in the organization apparently. So correct, you should evaluate many things. Jackson got along well with his players, but not his bosses and some others.


  62. isalndman:

    That is why, it is a UH systemic problem. From Power that be, red tape, protocol, etc. Imagine can have legislative emergency sessions. Or if need be, immediate hirings when needed.
    Shows, when Ncaa schools, terminate, or looking for New or Head Coach in Place can be done fast. The slow pace hurts a lot of people. Credit, I am even more impressed with Benjy Taylor, we know not perfect, who is at UH? However, a lot of class, patience, however it is stressful. Even for next 2 or 3 year deal, for stability, make Benjy the Head Coach, then see by year two, how he is doing. I am sure, they keep working hard, UH MBB will do well. Take it to next level. UH has to have sense of urgency. So much support, all levels, different segments of Hawaii Population and nationally. Very sure, the positive support for Benjy and the Bows, and the program, they have to listen, a lot are going to be future season ticket holders. etc.

    And No Pono, not too many messages, even length of my posts, apologize, or content, however never am I vulgar, profane or attacking unfairly. So posts go through , I would say 98 % some are automated, for spam possibility that is a software safeguard. I love WI forum, about all I can do, since disabled.

    And Pono , you just proved you are same, as pupule, gib, jake, etc.. the SAME content of your posts, the anti Gib, Benjy factor.. Benjy earned the chance, he is running a good program
    sheesh. You No need get bent out of shape.. go ahead post, however don’t have to mimic, a disabled old man, or mock my comments.

  63. Similar to BT. He’s not thought of fondly by many in the athletic dept. No treats will be shed if he doesn’t get the job.

  64. You want to hire a coach quickly, but on the other hand you want to make a good choice. An articles states that Tennessee will have had 4 different coaches over six years. However, “Barnes takes over a Tennessee program that has gone at least as far as the NCAA regional semifinals four of the last nine seasons despite encountering plenty of recent coaching turnover.”


  65. Pono, very important to get along with everyone in the department. Must be a team player. I’m sure Matlin is well aware of this and will consider everything. Everyone needs to pull in the same direction. When you say “many” that’s cause for concern. Winning isn’t that important. Winning with integrity and class is. When the entire athleltic department and staff, volunteers, and student athletes are working together, with respect, as a team you feel a lot better and want to do even more things accomplished.

    Definitely, what you see in public can be very different in private. This happens all the time. I was one who wondered by Golden State would change coaches when Jackson took his team to the playoff and the team was exciting. For course, I didn’t know the other stuff with his bosses, etc. And wow, look at what Steve Kerr has done. He’s the second coming of Greg Popovich. So there’s always a reason or multiple of reasons why changes are made. I suspect this coming change at UH basketball is not because of wins and losses this past season, it’s about going into the future with a new AD and a new vision and excellence with integrity, teamwork, and yes “chase championship.” Matlin will look at the entire body of work.

  66. First off RB I don’t mean to offend you but I the fact is I do not read your posts because of the length and frequency of them. When I did read them they were all along the same lines so I feel like if I read one post from you I’ve read them all. I didn’t say to stop posting as I’m sure some on here enjoy reading them, it’s just not me.

    Derek I think we see eye to eye that it’s a process and we need to scrutinize the next head coach from all angles. Case in point Gib. He recruited good players and the W-L was decent but he didn’t have the integrity that you would expect from the leader of your program. Most of the public only sees the W-L and recruits that are coming in. We don’t see all the behind the scene things that others in the dept see. It’s been in the news about BT’s off the court issues which will be an obvious concern in the process but if he can prove that it’s in the past he should get a good crack at the job. My personal concerns about BT are three things. One, he has off the court baggage. Two, he hasn’t proven to be a great recruiter. Three, he has one good year under his belt but hasn’t had continuous success at any of his other stops as a HC.

  67. I still think if Matlin interviiews gets comments from team…maybe feedback from parents good indication
    if Coach Taylor that much of bad egg, not compliant , not team player…chancellor and AD would not tell him to apply.
    Even Benjy , if thought no chance..would have left already
    wonder why Autry, Carey and Loyd, the 3 assistants are working so hard to keep contact with potential recruits? If they know Benjy doesn’t have shot …they are gone like Fisher and Mcmillan last spring.

    They see whole picture
    no one perfect
    I guess Derek and pono, pupule, you are right
    there must be something else chancellor BV is looking at…we know winning seasons way down list of retaining coaches. Just ask Norm Chow.
    Matlin and chancellor go different direction…team suffers, new staff new system..3rd in 3 years..why they have to make the team suffer?
    Going to be unusual hire, how will uhadmin justify?
    If not Benjy , I like Phil Handy, with Benjy and Senque as top assistants for continuity.

    Benjy just apply, state vision, and explain correct ant shortcomings..
    otherwise, Senque would have been made interim coach in February.
    Benjy, what a Quarterback club speech, the acceptance speech at final four and the basketball banquet..speeches will be awesome
    Derek, pupule, pono…Benjy gave his all for mbb program..and team..gave 110% effort till last second bwc tournament
    If it is fair interview, Benjy top of list
    why chow and football..that does not make sense..lose with integrity..sure you want both..
    however 8 wins in 3 seasons?
    With that reasoning , key derek. Pono..if Benjy locks up another committ or two.
    he got the head coaching job
    he is not perfect, however admin. Tell him what to work on.
    that is pono.
    even near 100 year old mom..says stay with benjy at least 2 year deal
    I don’t like to see 3 year rebuilding program when excellent foundation already laid
    UH do the Pono thing give benjy chance as real head coach
    too much haters
    Go Bows
    and we backing you benjy
    just grind and fight for that head coaching job
    you have tons of help..

  68. BT is sticking around b/c he won’t be considered for any other HC job in the country so this is his best shot. Que and Autry were out of a job until the NCCA sanctions hit so it’s not like they are highly sought after guys. I know they had circumstances which is why they were not coaching but Que is tying all of his recruiting credentials to one guy, Paul George. Even when Paul George was at Fresno they weren’t very successful. What worries me is that we don’t have guys on staff that knows what success looks like and were a part of a program that has a culture of winning and constant success.

    This is a direct quote from Rick Pitino. This is where I think BT might be lacking.

    Keep a separation from your players (“I’m Coach or Mr. Hurley, I am not your buddy”) I never want a player to come back and say I was too nice to them and I should have pushed them harder.

  69. Star Advertiser Hawaii News Now Poll (archive)
    March 14, 2015

    Should Benjy Taylor be offered the permanent (not interim) job as University of Hawaii men’s basketball coach?
    A. Yes (87%, 1,354 Votes)
    B. No (13%, 196 Votes)
    Total Votes: 1,550

  70. Senque was on Loyola Marymount staff for 2013-14, per google ( not only on UH website).

    “In a five-year stay at Fresno State, Carey was able to recruit four future NBA players, most notably Paul George, the No. 10 overall pick in the 2010 NBA Draft and an eventual All-Star for the Indiana Pacers, as well as 2007 NBA second-round pick Dominick McGuire (Washington Wizards), Tylar Johnson (Miami Heat), and Greg Smith (Dallas Mavericks). He also recruited and guided another NBA prospect in Greg Smith, the 2009-10 WAC Freshman of the Year. Numerous other players he coached went on to enjoy professional careers overseas.

    Carey’s stellar work extended beyond the court as he helped guide a dramatic academic turnaround at Fresno State that produced the largest Academic Progress Rate (APR) improvement in the country, the program’s first Academic All-District honoree and the graduation of ten men’s basketball student-athletes from December 2007 to May 2009, the most during such a span in program history.

    Following five seasons at Fresno State, Carey started his own business in 2010—The Basketball Experience, a coaching program that provided training for players at all levels through camps, clinics, private workouts and tournaments.

    He returned to collegiate coaching last year as an assistant coach for Loyola Marymount and helped guide the Lions to a perfect 3-0 against Big West competition with wins versus Cal Poly, Long Beach State and UC Riverside.”


  71. islandman :

    mahalo, yes Senque has great resume, he was hire for replacing Fisher .. have to see how he can recruit, that is the thing, How can This Staff if given opportunity, give them few years to recruit. And develop, seems like a real Players coach.. guys must love him. Team really together..

  72. Maybe Senque Carey should get the job. He’s a better recruiter than Taylor. Just saying.

  73. He should apply, I think Brad , could too. Just hope UH makes hire quickly, you know the past Derek, they either too quick or too long.. someone with Athletics experience, being former athlete or director coach should make the ultimate call. Think Matlin will make good choice. Whatever best for program
    My thing, just the continuity, past 5 years, I think total of 94 wins , average 19 wins about per season. hope Next coach, Benjy or whomever takes MBB to next level,..

  74. MBB coach NCAA DI level, and expectations to make NIT or NCAA tall order. some assistants and former, retired , fired or lateral moves, think it can be done, reach top 35 in year or so.. Huge challenge.

    Even Riley who was as good a coach, stable and discipline guy, could not win 20 games a year over 20 year period. Had guys leave too, some attitude guys, run ins with Admin, even former Assoc. AD.. remember, the Two For one deal, when Wags was fired? Wow..

    Looks attractive, because, candidates, think, for myself and family WHY not? live In Hawaii for at least 3 years.. if win or winning program and compete for BWC title and NIT/ NCAA’s good. If not, at least they got to spend 3 years living in Hawaii. I believe, for Benjy, it is a career, wants this to be his Final probably MBB Major HC job, if not move on..

    The Whole picture, and UHadmin,, counsel, big battle, and settlement for Gib too, Who is writing, or wrote those, contracts, with convolutedt language? Man, not only coaches, … general counsel , AD and Admin have to step up Big time, if they Want to be Big High Mid Major program, Takes money too …Takes a Village to Raise a Child, will Take the Whole State of Hawaii, and UH system to be successful in Hawaii.. MBB was and is fun again. that is what I like,.. the uptempo and the D

  75. Dayton and Schmidt Ohana, Valerie, Ameriprise, and Pacific Risk Solutions,and all other large or small donors to keep site running Mahalo plenty !!
    Very unique, and only in Hawaii, only game in town, since NO PRO sports or other NCAA DI teams or schools. Captive audience, I love it, this site, great recruiting tool. I know that Pope commit, he being friends with MT, AV and Q that is a huge feather in Benjy’s cap during interview.. I like his comments , and approach, social.. pope says wants to be here, likes style and coach benjy, however see how plays out since he has No Control over selection of Coach. Same comment from Rod Bobbitt after Senior Nite activities.. felt Benjy did good job, however the selection , is not in Rod’s control, Love Bobbitt, he brings an offensive game, improve his finish at rim and one, and the mid to 3 ball range shot.. guaranteed All BWC first teamer and All Region NCAA All star pick as senior.
    Certain, that Benjy , Que and Autry , have sights on a couple of bigs, maybe a JC banger, the D1 transfer, maybe sit out year.. or maybe, has not played ball , transferring in soph. like Janks, and eligible mid December.. big banger, or Small Forward scorer shooter.. and that Bo Barnes type of freshman 30 foot, 40 % from trifecta line bomber.. That makes 4.. guys.. If Benjy can get commits, from those 4, by time of April signing date.. that is a good thing, .. Yes, the future is bright if All the team stays together,, I think it gives opportunity if they stay with program for , we NEED this guy, 808 Dyrbe Enos, Hawaii boy, and Zach Busher, maybe Brocke Stepteau, who is so quick and very good scorer. reminds me of Jerome Freeman..

    Anyways.. Derek, Pupule, Pono, Gibn. Jake, whomever, we all LOVE DA UH MBB Hoops !!
    Cannot wait for coach whomever, I hope BT, to announce signings. that is best part of Spring time LOI signings, think period is from April 16-May 15? and They can sign scholarship agreements up till start of August fall semester. So, can they land some late gets, like Sammis or Bill Amis, or Brandon Jawato? Or Aaron Valdes, who was a preferred walkon? Yessir !

    Go Bows !

  76. Pono,

    what other baggage does Taylor have beside child support/alimony? His ex will be plenty Happy Taylor gets $300K +, I’m sure some entity will get the money to Taylor’s wife. I don’t know how it works but my wife handled payroll at times for a company she works for and mentioned the alimony is taken out of the workers paycheck. Really I don’t know the situation on Taylor personal side and the alimony but Taylor should have enough kala to do what he’s supposed to do.

    another thing Taylor already landed Fleming and now Pope but as far as Pope goes we don’t know how he’d handle Division 1 Ball. And he has a different Staff of coaches that also recruits for Hawaii. Even with a new Coach hired there’s no guarantee the new coach would bring in any better or less talent that’s already here. Who knows, no one does!

  77. Pono,

    you’re a pessimists so to say. Like you say, you don’t read all of RunBows post and you don’t have to. hahahahahaha, Let it be as RB is all but positive for UH Sports. Why attack the guy, name calling, etc., just calm down and don’t read his posts so you won’t have to feel the way you do about him and his posts. GEEZ!

  78. Pocho: You KNOW me, the rah, rah guy.. some like it , some don’t , same with Pono’s posts, I just scroll over, unless attacks unwarranted. No need get personal, not life and death struggle, we just All MBB fans, right Pocho. since we see each others posts on many forums.. Go Que, hook em up and reel em in.

    Pocho, I love recruiting season.. and for Continuity, makes sense, new staff, they would have to have 3 or 4 guys in tow.. really guys who would blend in with the returnees, or maybe they don’t, If keep staff current or part of , then you have Consistency, Benjy and Que, Brad, Brandon, and even Jamie Smith, can keep that uptempo and D, exciting ball going.

    Pocho. let’s Go Bows ! Let’s Go Bows !!

    Mahalo bruddah,.. I just the old bald head makule guy, love MBB hoops !!

  79. AD Dave,

    Let it Be! Rehire BT as coach and ride the wave of excitement for 2-3 years and if he doesn’t produce, keep his players in-line, etc… . You can hire someone else after his contract is done. Just make sure you’ve written a good worded understandable contract to let him go.

    AD Dave,

    You need to spend your time working your fb program! The King Sport of UH that brings in the money. This is where your major problem is at … . Do something!

  80. Looks can be deceiving. Looks good on paper, 22-13 season record. Strength of schedule and RPI, not so much. Weak, weak, weak. We played Hilo, Chaminade, Pine Bluff, Cal-Bakersfield, Southern, Delaware State, Pairie View A&M, Marist, East Carolina, all teams with losing records an not a who’s who in college basketball. That’s 9 wins right there. So they beat Colorado and Nebraska, both teams down in the conference standings in their respective conferences. We beat a Pitt team what as so-so this year. OK, that was a decent win. We lost to High Point, lose to San Francisco, we lose 8 games in the conference, we lose 3 times to one team in one season, UC Irvine. Lose to BYU by 20, after we led 7-0.
    Lose to Wichita St. in overtime which is probably our best game of the season. So when you look at it, we can see that it’s not that impressive and it’s obvious we have problems handling teams with a good big man and some 3 point shooters like BYU, Irvine, and Santa Barbara. That’s not Taylor’s fault, the schedule. Gib made the schedule and he made it so that we could have some easy games to help the win total. But in the end, it might have cost us by not playing better competition and the team had a false sense of how good we really are. In other words, it didn’t help us to get tougher and stronger. Like Michigan State.

    I would have been happy if we had a tough schedule and finished 16-13 in the regular season, but it made is better at the end and we made it to the Big Dance.

  81. no worry RunBows, we all want the Best for UH’s Athletic Department. It’s a great place here to state your point of view, it’s all repeating stuff anyways, hahahaha.

    Don’t see why one would have to ride another and resort to name calling and watnots. State your case why you believe otherwise of the others post, debate it.

    Have a Great Day Pono and RunBows

  82. Pocho.. That is the Problem , Not Benjy and the Bows, the Football coach , the killer schedule, whoever put that together, and the decision, my opinion, Norm wins 5 games this year, AD will let him finish his 5th year contract at age 71 and let him retire.. He will make a lot of money.

    Yes, in Hawaii Football still King, was my Favorite original UH sport, the Baseball, until the Fab Five days.. then MBB !!

    Dave Matlin, actually go over the 40 applications, weed out the pretenders, or ones too young, not having enough of Hawaii connections, those, you know just want to use MBB coaching job stepping stone to Power Conference.. Remember , Pres . and Chancellor said on Leahy and Leahy early this Jan 2015, FOR BETERMENT OF STUDENT ATHLETES>. well keeping UH staff and team together.. That will produce another 20 plus winning season, and hopefully, No.. for sure, a competitive team that will go NIT or NCAA. have to Keep UH MBB ohana.

    Not that hard Dave Matlin.. former aid to Linda Lingle.. you made good decisions before. Think about it, as Fink says.. generated good ticket sales, UH MBB maybe made close to million dollars in walk up ticket sales to SSC home games, plus national interest. Those uptempo athletes, just waiting for Benjy,or whomever to lock in, in particular Benjy because of uptempo style, coupled with Bobbitt, running good , perfectly executed Half court O and D sets. UH will win plenny Ball games

    Let’s Go Bows, Let’s Go Bows !

    David Matlin.. Keep the MBB Ohana, the MBB train bound for glory next 3 seasons together, BT for coach, and Que, Brad and Brandon, and Jamie Smith !!

  83. Dayton: We love your videos.. Look Forward to Part II interview, post season review with Benjy !

  84. I don’t know. Like you say it’s not all about winning although it plays a lot to bring in Hawaii’s band wagon fans to the Stan. But I would hope you agree the product Taylor puts on the floor and the players buying in to it has made this team play very exciting lately. I believe it starts with Bobbitt, I think he instilled the defense in each and every player that plays with him. Sure he doesn’t do it alone but to me this year he is the difference. Weak opponents yeah I agree it is what it is but wasn’t attendance up to par with the previous year and the crowd on Senior night! The fans are buying into the team, weak opponents or not. False hope winning weak teams, I don’t see the UHplayers giving up when there behind and like Taylor said they haven’t been blown out, the team don’t give up, etc.

  85. Yes win or lose at SSC majority of SSC fans, gave team standing Ovation, and stayed a bunch, maybe about over a thousand to honor Nevels and Jawato, to classy MBB athletes. I hope UH MBB finish strong in academics this spring, key, Keep guys from transferring if any, to have APR in good standing.
    That is key, APR, GPA, no social excerpts, or cryptic upset with Benjy and staff. Never heard or read of social, tweets or blogs, of team communicating with Gib.. however all season, win or lose, Benjy gives encouragement or shows genuine prider for his Bows.. Over achieved definitely..Sure, no matter what SOS or RPI.. 22 wins and almost 23 and NCAA bid.. that was huge for this season.
    Plus , cannot take away the regional, and National audience listening to positive shout outs by ESPN, Fox Sports, Big West TV, CBS sports pundits and announcers, support for Benjy and job he did. when questioned, a Rhetorical one, Does Benjy deserve HC job based on what he accomplished this season.. well it wasn’t Pocho or RunBows, comment, it was ex NBA great and Duke great Corey Magette.. He say: Benjy Deserves to be made the HC of MBB.. he was the difference, and they say, despite, if it were 99% or Gib’s recruits, They had to buy in to Benjy’s style of run , fun and turnover teams.. I love that style. and for emphasis, sure I understand the game.. to win championships, be able to score against Zones, because, collegiate athletes run and dunk type of game, Have to be better outside shooters. that is why AV, MT, Janks, NWC, Bobbitt, Fleming, Q, what they all going to work on, even Now? shoot thousands of shots.. and automatic be near 40 % from mid range to 3 pt line.. UH will be that 27 game winner, and NIT or NCAA participant..

    It IS all about the MBB program as Mama V. says.. and whomever the coach, was so emotional with Gib firing, and all of us total confusion, anger, frustration, disarray.. and Benjy and The Bows. found way to win. sure Benjy said, support would be there if UH MBB team won 13 games and loss 22, however We All Know.. better to win 22 games and BWC championship for All the Marlbles. Love Benjy Ball.
    Let’s Go Bows !! Let’s Go Bows !!
    Let’s Go Bows !!
    Que hook em up, reel em in !!, Plus Benjy, Brad and Brandon, get a Big shooter combo(Pope), a 6’11” 265 banger, a DI transfer great athlete 6’8 and that Bo Barnes, 6’5″ inch 35 foot no scared em bomber with 41 % accuracy, and from FT line 90 %. as a Team, Every guy from 1 through 13 on active roster has to average about 80% from line, and in crunch time 95 % or better, You will be talking about Champioship type team

    Bows.. Finish Strong in about a Month in Finals of Spring Semester. So important, that is or will be the Biggest Win of the year for MBB~~!!

  86. Benjy was in charge of scheduling in the past, but i guess he consulted with Gib on it.

    You can have a tougher schedule or you can have weak one like UC Davis had this past season. Their SOS of 282 was weaker than UH’s 166, but they won a lot so their RPI was pretty good- 75 vs. UH’s 152. Davis lost to UH two times this past season, but beat Irvine twice, UCSB once, Long Beach twice.

    UH got into the Big West championship game for the first time since 2002, so they won 2 out of 3 when it really mattered.

  87. I got to add, UH plays in the Big West Conference and plays what 16 in-conference games? plus the conference playoffs and mind you the BWC is not known to be a power house bb conference to start with. That’s half the season playing teams with low standings.

    2 ways to look at it, if UH had that good a team they should win the Conference season for a guarantee NIT spot and/or the Conference tournament. If UH doesn’t win the either then they’d have to schedule and play Top 20 teams and win em all to get an NIT or NCAA invite. That’s the way I see this cause BWC got one spot in the NIT and NCAA tourneys. I couldn’t fathom the idea of UH winning the majority of non-conference top 20 opponents and not winning the BWC season and/or tournament title. The reason I say that is cause I don’t see the BWC teams like those of the Big Name brand bb schools that are in the top 20 just about year in year out.

  88. I mean, if UH cannot even win the BWC season or tourney title do they really belong in March Madness? the BWC is not a bb power conference. Of course in-conference opponents are tougher wins at times but really… the BWC 3rd runner up? I don’t know, lol

  89. The reason why we won most of the games because we stole the ball a lot, 3rd in the nation led by Bobbitt and we caused a lot of turnovers and we got a lot of easy baskets. The reason why we lost was when the team lost their discipline and patience. When shots weren’t falling we made stupid mistakes, reach for fouls, and then started to press and jack up quick 3s or shots. We were not very good in the half court and we did not have a lot of good set plays. We were not a very good passing team. So when the game gets close in the second half we didn’t have the maturity and the smarts to get through it. You saw it all season long. Chalk it up to having only 1 returning starter and some inexperience. We get it. But at that point, if Benjy was smart he should have sat his team to calm them down during crunch time, but he didn’t. That’s coaching. We lost a lot of leads at halftime or folded in the second half when it was winnable. And when shots are not falling we forced more shots. That’s when you see second half percentages in the low 30s or high 20s. In practice I doubt Taylor spent a lot of time on running good plays in the half court and use good use of key ball screens to get good open shots. We saw a lot of helter skelter play, up and down the floor, steals and that excited the fans, but we were our down worst enemy and I have that responsibility on the coach. He didn’t have a lot of adjustments.

    We are not a low post team because we don’t have the bulk. It didn’t matter against Davis because we matched up against them very well and that’s why we beat them twice. We could handle Alan Williams down low, and Will Davis/Mamadou. If we had Fotu and Reyes available, now that’s another story. We could have gone inside more when outside shots weren’t falling. Yeah, too bad they didn’t play. But, it is what it is. If Taylor was a better coach and was more better prepared in tight situations we might have finished 27-8 instead of 22-13, and 12-4 instead of 8-8 in the conference and might have won the conference regular season title, if not the tournament. And maybe we could have beaten Wichita State too!!! In the final analysis I saw a good Hawaii team, that could have gone a lot farther. Am I happy? No. We didn’t make it to the Dance. I have high expectations. For Hawaii, going to the Dance is the Ultimate and try to win just 1 game. We need a ferocious rebounder with a big butt to move some people out and for some inside presence. Can Jovanovic put on another 24-40 pounds?

  90. Pocho: sort of darned if you do, schedule tough, and BWC is not a high RPI conference, the whole league would have to schedule tough and win those out of conference games against High RPI teams, or darned if you don’t and win BWC regular season title which guarantees NIT bid. You notice, since Hawaii joined BWC, No one team has won the BWC tournament 4 times, like supposedly LBSU tries to do, go 4 NCAA tournaments in a row. Benjy has to figure out a middle ground, SOS get a little better, he trying for those SSC home games against high mid and Major Conference teams, not the home and home, which no advantage to Hawaii at this time.
    That is why, my Mantra, out in the Pacific, far away from Big Island mainland USA.. will always be challenge in any sport, even the WBB and their 15 game winning streak could not get them past one and dones in WNIT the past 3 years. Is That Incredible success? Their RPI seems to be better than men every year, however same, deal their goal Win the BWC tournament, at large NCAA berths for men and women tough, unless. RPI high, and virtually have to be top 25 team.

    New Coach, as Benjy says, whomever it is,.. first time here.. they think it is easy, not easy to do.. and hard to get started, the Old Wac, when Savo led teams, and the Smalls, Houston , Gaines teams, were tough.. only the Savo led and AC led and the Trevor Ruffin led teams during Riley time went NCAA’s.. Wish the best to next UH HC..

  91. Per post on another forum, if you want Kyle Smith, you may have to pay a $100,000 to $200,000 buyout to Columbia.

  92. You can’t blame Gib for the schedule because he was cashing in on easy money. The blame should go to the AD for setting up the wrong type of incentives in his contract. However, the schedule was really weak as Derek pointed out. I don’t believe it’s a success if we finish 5th in a mediocre conference. The team was exciting to watch but also painful to watch at times. Against weaker teams our defense can cause havoc but against experienced teams we didn’t cause many turnovers and when they got us to play a half court slowed down game we really struggled.

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