Warrior Insider

The Inside Source for Hawaii Men's Basketball

Warriors begin full practices

With the fun and games of the ‘Ohana Hoopfest behind it, the Hawai’i basketball team got in some serious practice time over the weekend.

“We had our midnight madness, which kicked off regular-season practices and we’ve been putting in the hours ever since,” said senior Hauns Brereton. “The thing about basketball is we’re always learning. Right now, coach is really emphasizing the principles of what we need to get done.”

The diverse roster includes eight freshmen, five juniors and three seniors, so an early key to the season could be getting the inexperienced players to blend with the experienced ones.

“With the new guys, we just have to play together,” said junior forward Christian Standhardinger, who redshirted last season. “I think it’s very important that we learn to play together and build this chemistry that everybody talks about.”

It appears the Warriors are already on their way to building that chemistry, as the freshmen say the juniors and seniors have been providing assistance both on and off the court.

“The three seniors we got, and the juniors, too, they’ve really been helping us out,” freshman guard Manroop Clair said.

Clair is one of seven true freshmen on the roster, and he said the recent practices have served as an eye-opening introduction to NCAA Division I basketball

“Way more intensity,” he said. “I can’t even describe it. You work even harder in Division I. It doesn’t even compare to high school.”

Still, head coach Gib Arnold said all five positions are up for grabs, especially with senior center Vander Joaquim, the leading scorer and rebounder last season, still recovering from a knee injury.

“Every day there’s a competition and we’re fighting to see who’s the best every day,” Brereton said. “That’s what’s going to make us better.”

It should be noted that the practice footage from the above video was taken during the first 15 minutes of “warm-up drills.” The remainder of the practice was closed, although the player interviews were allowed after practice.


  1. hey, Manroop Clair:

    you are on “the Chess-Master’s Seasons”,
    ~ 2. make perfect.

    how’s the body holding up?

    you are special, you got to do special things everyday;
    (1) review “Manroop Clair Motivation” on YouTube.
    (2) least-wise 40 minutes of self-masaging on sore-spots with Shea Butter.


  2. n2o4joy true

    I think Clair is the type of guy that if he puts his mind to it can develop into a fine pg. Although I don’t think his game is suited as a pure point as evidenced from the YouTube video, he will need to turn one style on and one off, depending on the flow of the game. On situations where no one is hitting from the outside he will have to step up and try to knock down some shots. But if we are getting decent scoring from the back court he should stick to feeding them the ball and concentrate on the flow of the game. This year we can score from all bodies on the floor and when you have consistent scoring all around, very difficult for opposing teams to defend. Unlike last year we had two maybe three that scored consistently. Will be interesting to see Clair develop. If he jells at the pt this team will go places.

  3. hey, “Man”:

    need to clarify a few things;

    ~ on the (1) special things to do – instead “review” ==> “listen” (to the motivation speech).
    ~ 2. make perfect. (transformed yourself to be a flexible “Chessman” for the game.

    hope you accept ” Mansu Mansu”!

  4. remember clair good teams practice hard and only the strong survive

  5. Dayton, thanks for the video! We can see more or less how the players are grouped together by position.

    Yeah, Manroop needs to be more aggressive @ the pg spot and hit his shots when he’s open! Make the opposing team pay if they play him loosely

  6. Yes! Practice, real time, real intense. Whether you played Football, Australian or American, Soccer, Baseball, Track and Field , etc. The start of official practices NCAA Division I style is really stepping it up.

    Real good to hear Manroop, state how it is different from HS ball, He knows he has to get stronger, and match intensity of upperclassmen. Roop, I think , he is the type to want to be the best, representing Canada and India. Roop, Michael, Dyrbe, Isaac, Caleb…and Brandon J.( he had 1 year in system practice so he is a year ahead), getting help, unselfish type from upperclassmen, Stanhardinger, Brereton, Tavita, Shamburger, Vander,
    Davis, Jefferson…man that is unity and chemistry building…I think this team , 15 available at this point, know they need everyone, whether Freshman or Senior to be ready..

    Yes too, Gib, acknowledged ALL 5 positions are open for grabs , starters and backups, I know ideally, Gib would like to be 2 deep at every position plus a few back ups off the bench..what makes this situation great…the promise is fulfilled , to walkon, and true freshman and JC transfer, you come to UH MBB team, if you put in the work and buy into D and play as a team and follow direction of coaching staff and bond with TEAM for TEAM whether play 4 minutes or 40 minutes a game…you will. ,…and contribute, hopefully by early March to a run in March Madness.

    Go Warriors..!!

    Terrific job on updating and keeping untold followers here and abroad informed on all things UH MBB! Mahalo plenty to Dayton , staff and Sponsors..!! Hey Dayton, do you ever sleep…you are a 24/7 guy,..nah, I am sure you get needed rest, …should be interesting year if team gels!!

    Mahalo Plenty Dayton and Go UH MBB Warriors, work hard, play smart and together!!

  7. Great to get it going. I like the emphasis on building a strong foundation.

  8. oh dats a nice shirt Coach Benjy got on there!

  9. DITTO on The WarriorInsider.com Great Green Shirt….

  10. I actually have a few of those Warrior Insider shirts left, so … clearance sale: $10 each (plus shipping/handling if you need it mailed).

    I think I only have S, M and L available.

    Anybody interested can send me an e-mail at dayton@warriorinsider.com

    First come, first served, while supplies last!


  12. I like that they’re working on the Hi-Lo post entry. That’s makes very good use of UH’s size. Other than that, it’s good old fundamentals they’re working on.

    After the public session, hopefully Gib puts a high emphasis on rebounding and boxout drills. UH has the ability to dominate the paint and glass if they take advantage of their size. I’m sure they were working on their offensive and defensive schemes and sets.

    @808WariorFan, I expect a few of the freshmen to leave. There’s not enough minutes to keep everyone happy. Hopefully a couple guys red-shirt this year, but I think most appear to be 4 year guys. Valdes may or may not make it 4 years. UHBB appears to be in very good shape moving forward.

    Remember, Gib had to use high risk players to fill the gaping holes that Bob Nash left the program.

    Regarding the players that transferred/quit in Gib’s 1st two years, let’s get real… Will Trevor Wiseman, Pi’i Minns, Bobby Miles, Tyler Brown, Bo Barnes, Shaq Stokes, or Joston Thomas be missed this year???

    Wiseman, Miles and Thomas all were suspended for conduct detrimental to the team among other reasons. Wiseman, Miles, Minns, Brown and Barnes (left in 2011) were never going to see the court this year anyway. Thomas would have had a much smaller role this year. The only player UH will miss is Stokes, since he would have been the starting PG with experience.

  13. Former UH Athlete:

    Great concise assessment of practices, what guys working on. You would know. And, I appreciate your comments on the guys who left. Recently there was article/articles on the changing landscape of NCAA MBB and the exodus/transferring of players for one reason or another. the Analyst, said bascially the same thing objective fans have stated regarding guys leaving, family, lack of PT, not getting along with Coach, or other..

    ., that is life in the 21st centruy. You are correct, this spring, could be, hopefully not too many scholarship guys that impact APR, leaving, so Gib keeping up with the times, has to almost recruit one or two more, to stay ahead of that scenario. It is probably not how it was when you played at UH, although with MBB, BB and FB, I always remembered, guys not panning out because of academics, homesickness or other..

    Keep your posts coming, you sure you are not Gib? Just Kidding!

    Mahalo for your outstanding and objective insight and observations!!

  14. Al,

    Mahalo! for the links. November 14th can’t come soon enough and he signs!

  15. Thomas looks athletic with long arms! We won’t know how this years class of recruits and the last will pan out in a couple of years but I gotta say The Gibper is slowly getting some athletic high flyers that’s been missing for awhile now.

  16. weird espn lists him as a 3 star but only a 70 rating

  17. From UH Athletics note the following – row 6 :- my question is what is a “pupus” and is there a “lite pupus”

    Men’s Basketball Courtside Package Includes:
    Two (2) second row courtside seats for each game
    – Includes the exhibition game and all sessions of the Diamond Head Classic
    One (1) season parking pass in zone 18
    Two (2) entries per game to the Ed Wong Hospitality Lounge
    – Heavy pupus provided, drinks available for purchase
    – Lounge entry included for all games except 11/2/12 (exhibition), 11/12/12 (11pm game), and all sessions of the Diamond Head Classic


    Short Answer:

    “pupu” are appetizers, canape’ or hors d’oeuvres…”, often snacks, light appetizers or finger-food. often laid out or served on trays or buffet style…

    Heavy pupu imply that ‘some people’, if they were to “help themselves enough”, sometimes with seconds or third servings, could ‘make a meal of it’…pupu, by itself implies “light” (lite).

    [Longer Technical Answer/ Clarification: Note: NOT spelled “pupus” as the letter “s” does not exist in the Hawai’ian alphabet….It is ‘intended’ as a “Hawai’ian” word or term, but spelled as such is at most ‘pidgin’ which is an English Dialect — a ‘Haolefied Term’ or Word…Christian Missionaries are generally credited with fabricating a “Hawai’ian alphabet” to support written documentation….]

    Courtside Seats sounds Very Good …
    I’m SURE Michael can avoid running over courtside spectators with his speed, agility and leaping ability…
    i’ve had courtside seats, tough to beat…

    BTW — Boxing/MMA Fans — The Battle Tonight in Debate Form between Presidential Candidates Massachusetts State Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama (of Hawai’i) was televised Nationally and held @ HOFSTRA University where point guard Shaquille Stokes transferred to to be closer to ill-health family member(s)….

  19. Thanks Eagle – its lovely to have a network of people that I can ask questions of.
    PS – Not quite sure that this is the purpose of the WI site!!!! Please forgive me if I offend.


    Other Than Players, Wins, maybe Coaches & Fans – WH

  21. WHAT’S More Important…?

    You Help Provide KEY Players, like Michael AND Wins…
    PLUS More Fans — Honored Fans, FAMILY & Friends

    Aussie Mum,
    You are Celebrity, Honored Status…
    Ma’am we CANNOT only “Talk” ‘Ohana (Family)
    ‘OHANA Must Be Honored…
    You ARE Celebrity, Honored Status….

    WE should either have a reception…OR

    OR At Least (IF You’re o.k. with it) Let us Know Your seat numbers so we can come over to introduce ourselves;
    I Would Expect that Coach would have “Billy V” (Time-Out Sponsor Media announcer) introduce you to the crowd….

  22. Eagle,

    Well I do feel like I am part of the family already and I would love to meet all of you when I come over. The hoop fest gave me some insight into the enthusiasm and support that you give the team/s and it is very exciting to be part of it – I am truly honoured by your post Eagle and Michael is certainly blessed to be part of it all.
    I should bring some Tim Tams and give each of you a packet when you introduce yourselves to me. You will probably recognise me anyway because I look like Elle McPherson/Cindy Crawford/Raquel Welch!!!! lol – laugh very out loud!

  23. So we should recognize you instantly…
    since all three of the previous (older) versions of those girls
    also hang around the UHMBB lockerroom…

    i’ll be prepared to get into a long line…

    ?How can we support the guys (who support you as well) but can’t get to the arena/games?

  24. Wonder is Aussie Mum knows Luc Longleys mum? I think UH MBB was recruiting Luc for team. Luc ended up at New Mexico and eventually a career in the NBA. Also Andrew Gaze’s mum, had good NCAA career and playe in NBA too?

    Small world. Aussie Mum , you are great fan, and Michael has a Number one fan in you! Great support, I am sure is makes him feel good, the family love from the land down under!!

  25. Sorry Aussie Mum had to correct typing errors!!

    Wonder if Aussie Mum knows Luc Longley’s mum? I think UH MBB was recruiting Luc for team. Luc ended up at New Mexico and eventually a career in the NBA. Also Andrew Gaze’s mum, had good NCAA career and played in NBA too?

    Small world. Aussie Mum , you are great fan, and Michael has a Number one fan in you! Great support, I am sure it makes him feel good, the family love from the land down under!!

  26. You know, if the guards come down the court with not much problem and they’re able to pass it inside to the front line, I think this team can go a long way this year.

  27. SO My First Big Question for The Big West is How Well does Long Beach, Fullerton, Irvine, Pacific & Santa Barbara Play Defense and particularly, Pressure Defense, as opposed to just being scoring machines?

    It would seem the Critical Battle and Potential Vulnerability for Hawai’i is from the Backcourt Baseline to the Three-Point Arc…

    Therefore, Gib will be working on Man Defense, Traps, Passing, Inbounds Plays, etc.

  28. Hey Former UH Athlete – we will see when the crap hits the fan and one of the clowns in a flowered shirt (coach) hasn’t learned how to talk their players! Bobby Knight tactics worked for Bobby Knight because he was a “successful” coach and built winning programs – and got players to the league! Players can have all the chemistry on the court but if they are not motivated by the clowns – they will be maybe a little better than a 500 team. I think I predicted a total of 18 wins . . . will have to check my previous posts. Remember UH lost to Pacific and Cal Poly last year. Who will crack first under the pressure?

    You can expect 3-4 players to leave by the end of the season!


  29. Entirely Possible based on Losing 3-4 players each of Last Two Years….
    SO IF It Happens NO Great New Insight Here—

    But i would be “o.k.” (coaches/players might not) with jettisoning or “Losing” 3-4 players per year IF Can Continue to Bring in 8 – 9 Better each year….

    Pacific may be an Upper Half Big West Team…

    What SHOULD Coach Do? VETO Rainbowtique Designs (Gifts) he doesn’t like?
    i think a Real Team Player “Might” Bite the Bullet and Just Wear the Infernal Shirts.
    Just a Perspective, but the Coach that more fully supports Rainbowtique may be doing more for the department/school…

    ALL Yelling or Talking Aside,
    i think Coach Gib works pretty hard for his players, even helping place the departed where he could….

    While Bobby Knight clearly had his Successes including understudy Mike Krzyzewski (sp) i don’t personally find all that much more to admire…

    BUT WHAT is ALL Your Anger About?
    Even JD probably made the best decisions he thought he could….

    MOST of us would prefer Success for The Program, Past, Present & Future Staffs….

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