Warrior Insider

The Inside Source for Hawaii Men's Basketball

Warriors still getting ready for season

The Hawaii basketball team is continuing to prepare for the upcoming season with daily sessions of weightlifting, conditioning and “open gym” scrimmages.

Here’s another look at some recent action from an open gym session:


  1. Is the Gibster back on the mainland recruiting , also heard he was to venture into Europe once again, keep us informed on Gib’s travels Dayton, thanks for all your good work.

  2. not impressed with the open gym workouts. i wish they would pick up the intensity, play defense, and let joston know that he is not a point guard.

  3. Al its open gym…no different than a pick-up game at a park.The NCAA doesn’t allow any formal practice (coaching) until Oct 15th

  4. Will somebody PLEASE pass the ball to Tyler Brown?!

  5. How about letting Jefferson shoot the ball ,take it to the hoop Jefferson

  6. i’m not impressed either..the camera is recording so i’d play hard or even try to be fancy..it’s almost like dayton is begging them to play so he can record them..this ain’t kentucky or north carolina but they probably put on a show knowing the camera is rolling…i’d pay a couple bucks to see some of their pickup games

  7. The guys are staying loose here. I hope they are putting in their hours studying. I would like to see them putting in 40 miles of running and 50 miles of biking per week for 6 or 8 weeks. We would win a lot of games that way. With this talent, if we are in shape, we can go a long way.

  8. Biking? Basketball conditioning is much different than biking…using different muscle groups.They will be in shape..Gib made sure of that last year.

  9. joston still thinks he can shoot it from the 3. was 1 of 3, with the 1 hitting glass. didn’t hear him call it.

  10. i think it’s just fine…c’mon, it’s not even preseason…intensity in these optional workouts come and go…let um have fun and kick back sometimes…i’m sure none of them wanna get hurt in these open gyms too…you can bet that when Gibs practice begins it’s going to be kick a#$$.

  11. Just a few more weeks before actual practice with the coaches come October

  12. The players are just fooling around and having fun. I see absolutely no competitiveness or intensity in anyone. Preseason runs are not anything like real scrimmages, but in the past, prideful competition has usually developed between certain players, and the “skirmishes” could sometimes become pretty intense. Maybe the particular ones Dayton has managed to capture on video were ones in which the players were just winding down. However, if these are their usual “pickups”, I haven’t seen anything quite so lax in 25 years.

  13. I agree with RYee. Guys like Savo, Carl English and AC would not let any workout be without purpose and intensity. Someone needs to step up and lead this talented group of guys.Let’s hope this is not a harbinger of how this team is going to be preparing for the season.

  14. i guess i am old school.
    perhaps not having zane johnson on the court allows for more loose activity.
    still, i’d want to see more intensity out there. more so because it is preseason stuff.

    they should all be getting involved on both ends of the court.

  15. Don’t see Kainoa Chu ,walk on, supposed to have gotten clearance to practice over a week or two ago.

  16. There was GOOD Intensity (and fun) in Sand Practice (Saturdays);
    with Improved Athleticism (And Experience) i expect improved Defense (in season)

    the Coaches CAN (and DO) Work with up to Four Players at a time;

    i’ve watched Lots of Practices over the years and:

    i have Never Seen this Level of Depth in Talent and Skills – i think that’s part of what Dayton was trying to convey — even our Past Projects are looking way better: Vander & Davis are looking smooth —- it is one thing to have a Savo or A.C. (good) and another to have one thru twelve display smooth Basketball Skills, rhythm, reaction, natural moves (with options) [NOT Just Showboating which gets you only one basket — OR Less — ‘cuz you have a LOWER Shooting percentage]; AND have walk-ons who can walk onto the court during prime playing time and ‘help’ not just take up space, play defense AND have the confidence to Take & Hit Shots;

    Agree — DO Wonder if Jefferson HAS or understands he needs (and is working) on his mid-range and lower priority for him, long-range jumpers – haven’t seen it …

    Which TREVOR also needs as part of his keep ’em honest skill set if he wants to continue being both a starter and finisher …

    Joston IS taking — AND Has been making more threes — does anyone know if he earned a shooting pass? His “Three” even in the NCAA Summer League has been much improved; IF he ups his percentage inside and out (AND eliminates turnovers, especially unforced errors) — he goes from 8 & 8 to 10-10 or even 12-10 which should earn more than 20 mpgs …

    On their own, hope ‘shooters are still taking > 300 shots per day and hitting 70-80 % (they look smooth and in rhythm on video) …

    Watch Out WAC … SNEAK Up on the Zags ? (THAT Would Be A Statement !)
    [Based on Their Experience — AND Gib’s Comments — i DO Expect This Team to perform like a Veteran Team …]

  17. Eagle,

    Hats off to your wonderful comments.

    So knowledgeable, full of insights, royal to the team with integrity..

    More of it, especially on games on the season?


  18. i don’t think joston’s 3 point shot has improved much…he was always a decent shooter but gib limited his shooting…in the summer league and open gyms he was a hog..no coaches there to yell at him…this year will be the same with gib limiting his 3

  19. Joston won’t get the green light on threes this year. We have plenty of perimeter players to fill it up and he needs to be in the paint, especially with the loss of Amis. I think Davis will get the green light before Joston beyond the arc..he is more a finesse player (and better shooter). I also get the feeling Davis will get pushed around at times this year in the paint. He is not much of a back-to-the-basket kind of player from what I’ve seen.

    “Joston IS taking — AND Has been making more threes — does anyone know if he earned a shooting pass? His “Three” even in the NCAA Summer league has been much improved”

    Nobody plays defense in summer league. ..or in pick up games(open gym)

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